GRB 010220

Simultaneous observations of the BSAX/WFC error box by BOOTES-1





SUBJECT: GRB 010220, simultaneous optical observations
DATE: 01/02/20 23:55:00 GMT
FROM: Alberto Castro-Tirado at Inst. de Astrofísica de Andalucía

GRB 010220, simultaneous optical observations by BOOTES-1 ------------------------------------------------
Alberto Castro-Tirado, IAA-CSIC (Granada) and LAEFF-INTA (Madrid)
José María Castro Cerón, ROA (San Fernando)
Tomás Mateo, CEDEA-INTA (Arenosillo)
René Hudec and Jan Soldán, ASU (Ondrejov)
Petr Páta and Martin Bernas, CVUT-FEL (Prague)
José Ángel Berná, Univ. de Alicante (Alicante)
Antonio de Ugarte, UCM (Madrid)
Javier Gorosabel, DSRI (Copenhagen)
Benito de la Morena, CEDEA-INTA (Arenosillo)
José Torres, DEC-INTA (Madrid)
on behalf of the BOOTES-1 Team
"We have obtained about 30 images of a field containing the BSAX/WFC error box for the 150 s long GRB 010220 (Piro et al. GCN 953, Manzo et al. GCN 957) with the ultra wide-field CCD of BOOTES-1 during the time interval Feb 21.93-Feb 21.97 UT (+/- 0.5 h around the GRB occurrence). The exposures, with integration time of 60 s, cover a field of 40 x 28 deg² and reach a limiting magnitude of about R = 10. None of the frames, including the one ending at 22:51:15 UT, i.e. covering the first 8 s of the event, reveals an optical transient within the BSAX/WFC error circle. The next frame started at 22:52:15 UT and covers the time interval t_0 + 68 s to t_0 + 128 s. We notice that the galactic nebula IC 1805 lies along the line of sight of the GRB, at a galactic latitude of b = +1.38 deg, i.e. the extinction is high (A_v = 3.3 mag) ."