Modules ======= The PAPI pipeline consists of a set of processing modules which implement from basic calibration to generating final co-added registered mosaics (See table below). These modules can be run as a stand alone routines depending of your needs, e.g. to create a master dark or flat-field for calibration, or you can use them as a pipeline calling the main script ``papi``, which will use each of the modules as they are needed in order to accomplish a complete data reduction of a set of raw images. .. index:: modules .. tabularcolumns:: |r|J| ======================= =========== Main Modules Description ======================= =========== ``papi`` Main pipeline script to start the entire data reduction process ``applyDarkFlat`` Applies basic calibration (dark and flat-field) to the given list of files. ``astrowarp`` Creates final aligned and coadded frame using SEx, SCAMP and SWARP ``calBPM`` Creates a master Bad Pixel Mask from a set of darks and flats calibration files ``calCombineFF`` Combine a dome Flat-field and a sky Flat-field into a new Flat-field ``calDark`` Creates a master dark by combination of a dark sequence ``calDarkModel`` Creates a master dark model from a dark series ``calDomeFlat`` Creates a master Dome Flat ``calSuperFlat`` Creates a master Super Flat from a set of object or sky frames ``calTwFlat`` Creates a master Twilight Flat ``calGainMap`` Creates a Gain Map from any master flat ``correctNonLinearity`` Corrects the images pixel values for non-linearity ``dxtalk`` Removes cross-talk spots from input images ``makeobjmask`` Creates a objects mask (SExtractor OBJECTS images) for a list of FITS images. ``photometry`` Performs a photometric calibration comparison with 2MASS ``solveAstrometry`` Performs a astrometric calibration using and 42xx index files ``remove_cosmics`` Detects and clean cosmic ray hits on images based on Pieter van Dokkum's L.A.Cosmic algorithm. ``eval_focus_serie`` Estimates the best focus value of a focus exposures ``cleanBadPix`` Cleans masked (bad) pixels from an input image. ======================= =========== .. tabularcolumns:: |r|J| ======================= =========== Utilities Description ======================= =========== ``createDataSeq`` Modifies headers of a set of FITS files to create a Data Sequece compliant with PAPI ``getBPM`` Creates the BPM file from the NonLinearity correction MEF file. The bad pixels will be saved as 1's ``mef`` Tool to convert from SEF to MEF and viceversa; also allows to give splits of the extensions or join SEFs. ``collapse`` Collapses (add them up arithmetically) each cube of a list files into a single 2D image. ``genLogsheet`` Generates a text file as a log sheet from a set of images. ``imtrim`` Crops/cuts the input image edges ``modFITS`` Allows to perfom the modification of any FITS keyword ``runStarfocus`` Run IRAF.starfocus for a focus sequece and return the best focus value and a plot of the fit. ``runPsfmeasure`` Run IRAF.psfmeasure for a focus sequece and get field FWHM of given stars ``getDarks`` Gives the unique values of [read_mode, itime, ncoadd, save_mode] of a set of files of a given directory. Used to know the DARKS required from them. ``getImageOffsets`` Gives the image offsets (arcsecs) based on the WCS of the image headers ======================= =========== ``papi`` ******** **Description:** The papi module (see :ref:`papi`) is the main PAPI module to run the data reduction. It starts by creating a subdirectory in the ``output_dir`` directory using the name give on the command line or in the $PAPI_CONFIG file. Within the run directory a [Q1-Q4] subdirectories, one for each detector, will be created. The temporal files will be saved (and deleted at the end) in the ``temp_dir`` directory. **Syntax:** :: Usage: [OPTION]... DIRECTORY... This is PAPI, the PANIC PIpeline data reduction system - IAA-CSIC - Version 1.2.20150508064845 Options: --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONFIG_FILE, --config=CONFIG_FILE Config file for the PANIC Pipeline application.If not specified, './config_files/papi.cfg' is used. -s SOURCE, --source=SOURCE Source file list of data frames. It can be a fileor directory name. -d OUTPUT_DIR, --out_dir=OUTPUT_DIR Output dir for product files -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output_file=OUTPUT_FILE Final reduced output image -t TEMP_DIR, --temp_dir=TEMP_DIR Directory for temporal files -r ROWS, --rows=ROWS Use _only_ files of the source file-list in the rangeof rows specified (0 to N, both included) -R, --recursive Does recursive search for files in source directory -l, --list Generate a list with all the source files read fromthe source and sorted by MJD -M REDUCTION_MODE, --red_mode=REDUCTION_MODE Mode of data reduction to do (quick|science|lab|lemon |quick-lemon). -m OBS_MODE, --obs_mode=OBS_MODE Observing mode (dither|ext_dither|other) -S SEQ_TO_REDUCE, --seq_to_reduce=SEQ_TO_REDUCE Sequence number to reduce. By default, all sequences found will be reduced. -W DETECTOR, --window_detector=DETECTOR Specify which detector to process:Q1(SG1), Q2(SG2), Q3(SG3), Q4(SG4), Q123(all except SG4), all [default: all] -p, --print Print all detected sequences in the Data Set -T SEQ_TYPE, --sequences_type=SEQ_TYPE Specify the type of sequences to show: DARK, FLAT(all), DOME_FLAT, SKY_FLAT, FOCUS, SCIENCE, CAL, all [default: all] -b, --build_calibrations Build all the master calibrations files -C EXT_CALIBRATION_DB, --ext_calibration_db=EXT_CALIBRATION_DB External calibration directory (library of Dark & Flat calibrations) -D MASTER_DARK, --master_dark=MASTER_DARK Master dark to subtract -F MASTER_FLAT, --master_flat=MASTER_FLAT Master flat to divide by -B BPM_FILE, --bpm_file=BPM_FILE Bad pixel mask file -g GROUP_BY, --group_by=GROUP_BY kind of data grouping (based on) to do with thedataset files (ot |filter) -k, --check_data if true, check data properties matching (type, expt, filter, ncoadd, mjd) -e, --Check Check if versions of PAPI modules are right. PAPI creates a in-memory SQLite_ database to store the uncalibrated input data fits headers and pipeline metadata. **Results:** FITS file/s with coadd as result of the reduction and calibration of the specified sequences; otherwise, the error will be shown in the console and log file. **Examples:** The following example reduce, in quick mode, all the sequences of the given directory: :: $ -s /my/raw_data/directory -d /my/output/directory -M quick .. index:: papi ``applyDarkFlat`` ***************** This module receives a series of FITS images and applies basic calibration: subtract and divide by the given calibration files (master dark and master flat-field). Options:: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SOURCE_FILE_LIST, --source=SOURCE_FILE_LIST Source file listing the filenames of raw frames -d DARK_FILE, --dark=DARK_FILE Master dark to be subtracted -f FLAT_FILE, --flat-field=FLAT_FILE Master flat-field to be divided by -o OUT_DIR, --out_dir=OUT_DIR Directory where output files will be saved ``astrowarp`` ************* The ``astrowarp`` module performs the alignment and warping of a set of images, in principle previously reduced, but not mandatory. The module uses the Astromatic_ packages sextractor_ , scamp_ and swarp_ to accomplish this task. Usage:: Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONFIG_FILE, --config_file=CONFIG_FILE config file -s SOURCE_FILE, --source=SOURCE_FILE Source file list of data frames. It can be a file or directory name. -o OUTPUT_FILENAME, --output=OUTPUT_FILENAME final coadded output image -v, --verbose verbose mode [default] Example:: $ -c papi.cfg -s /tmp/test_files.txt -o /tmp/astrowarp.fits ``calBPM`` ********** This module creates a master Bad Pixel Map (.pl iraf file) from a set of dome (on and off) flats. The algorithm followed to create the BPM is the next: 1. Classify/split the frames in 3 sets (DOME_FLAT_LAMP_ON, DOME_FLAT_LAMP_OFF, DARKS) and and check whether there are enough calib frames 2. Check the master dark (Texp) 3. Subtract the master dark to each dome flat 4. Combine dome dark subtracted flats (on/off) 5. Compute flat_low/flat_high 6. Create BPM (iraf.ccdmask) Usage:: Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SOURCE_FILE_LIST, --source=SOURCE_FILE_LIST list of input (optionally corrected) dome ON and OFF flat images.. -o OUTPUT_FILENAME, --output=OUTPUT_FILENAME The output bad pixel mask. -L LTHR, --lthr=LTHR The low rejection threshold in units of sigma [default 20] -H HTHR, --hthr=HTHR The high rejection threshold in units of sigma [default 20] -D MASTER_DARK, --master_dark=MASTER_DARK [Optional] Master dark frame to subtract -S, --show_stats Show statistics [default False] -v, --verbose verbose mode [default] Example:: $ -s /tmp/domesF.txt -D /tmp/masterDark.fits -o /tmp/ ``calCombineFF`` **************** Combine a master dome Flat-field and a master sky Flat-field into a combined master Flat-field. The procedure followed is : The procedure for taking advantage of the facts that the large-scale flat-field variation of the dark-sky flat match that of the program frames and the dome flats have very high S/N in each pixel goes as follows: (a) Median smooth the combined, dark-sky flat -this improves the S/N and preserves the large-scale features of the flat. (b) Median smooth the combined dome flats using the same filter size as was used for the dark-sky flat. (c) Divide the combined dome flat by it's median smoothed-version. The result is a frame that is flat on large scales but contains all the high spatial frequency flat-field information. (d) Now multiply the smoothed dark-sky frame and the result of the division in the previous step. As result a flat-field with the low spatial frequency properties of the dark-sky flat combined with the high S/N, high spatial frequency properties of the dome flat is obtained. Usage:: $ [options] arg1 arg2 ... Module to combine a dome Flat-field and a sky Flat-field. Options: --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit -d DOMEFF, --domeFF=DOMEFF input dome Flat-Field -s SKYFF, --skyFF=SKYFF input sky Flat-Field -o OUTPUT_IMAGE, --output=OUTPUT_IMAGE output filename of combined Flat-Field (default = combinedFF.fits) Example:: $ -d /data/masterDF.fits -s /data/masterSF.fits -o /data/masterFF.fits ``calDark`` *********** The ``calDark`` module receives a series of FITS images (master darks) and create the master dark and computer several statistics. Usage:: Usage: [options] arg1 arg2 ... Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SOURCE_FILE_LIST, --source=SOURCE_FILE_LIST Source file listing the filenames of dark frames. -o OUTPUT_FILENAME, --output=OUTPUT_FILENAME final coadded output image -n, --normalize normalize master dark to 1 sec [default False] -e, --scale scale raw frames by TEXP [default False] -S, --show_stats Show frame stats [default False] -t, --no_type_checking Do not make frame type checking [default False] -v, --verbose verbose mode [default] Usage: [options] arg1 arg2 ... Example:: $ -s /data/PANIC_V0/dark_seq.txt -o /data/out/masterDark.fits .. index:: dark, calibration ``calDarkModel`` **************** The ``calDarkModel`` module performs a dark model. To do that, a input dark series exposures with a range of exposure times is given. Then a linear fit is done at each pixel position of data number versus exposure time. A each pixel position in the output map represents the slope of the fit done at that position and is thus the dark current expressed in units of data numbers per second. The dark model obtained will be a FITS files with two planes (extensions): * plane 0 = dark current in DN/sec * plane 1 = bias DARKCURRENT value: The median dark current in data numbers per second found from the median value of the output dark current map. Usage:: Usage: [options] arg1 arg2 ... Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SOURCE_FILE_LIST, --source=SOURCE_FILE_LIST Source file listing the filenames of dark frames. -o OUTPUT_FILENAME, --output=OUTPUT_FILENAME final coadded output image -S, --show_stats Show frame stats [default False] Example:: $ -s /tmp/darkModel.txt -o /tmp/darkModel.fits .. index:: dark, calibration ``calDomeFlat`` *************** The ``calDomeFlat`` module creates a master flat field from dome flat observations, a bad pixel map an various statistics. Usage:: Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SOURCE_FILE_LIST, --source=SOURCE_FILE_LIST Source file list of data frames. It can be a file or directory name. -o OUTPUT_FILENAME, --output=OUTPUT_FILENAME final coadded output image -n, --normalize normalize master flat by median. If image is multi-detector, then normalization wrt chip 1 is done) [default False] -m, --median_smooth Median smooth the combined flat-field [default False] -v, --verbose verbose mode [default] Example:: $ calDomeFlat -s /tmp/domeFlats.txt -o /tmp/masterDF.fts -n ``calSuperFlat`` **************** The ``calSuperFlat`` module creates a master super flat field from science observations, a bad pixel map an various statistics. Usage:: Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SOURCE_FILE_LIST, --source=SOURCE_FILE_LIST Source file list of data frames. It has to be a fullpath file name -o OUTPUT_FILENAME, --output=OUTPUT_FILENAME output file to write SuperFlat -b BPM, --bpm=BPM bad pixel map file (default=none) -N, --norm normalize output SuperFlat. If image is multi-chip, normalization wrt chip 1 is done (default=True) -m, --median_smooth Median smooth the combined flat-field (default=False) Example:: $ -s /tmp/test_files.txt -o /tmp/superFlat.fits -N .. index:: flat-field, super-flat ``calTwFlat`` ************* This module receives a series of FITS images (twilight flats) and a master dark model and creates the master twilight flat-field. Usage:: Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SOURCE_FILE_LIST, --source=SOURCE_FILE_LIST Source file list of data frames. It can be a file or directory name. -d MASTER_DARK, --master_dark_model=MASTER_DARK Master dark model to subtract each raw flat (it will be scaled by TEXP) -o OUTPUT_FILENAME, --output=OUTPUT_FILENAME final coadded output image -b MASTER_BPM, --master_bpm=MASTER_BPM Bad pixel mask to be used (optional) -n, --normalize normalize master flat by median. If image is multi-detector,then normalization wrt chip 1 is done)[default False] -m, --median_smooth Median smooth the combined flat-field [default False] -L MINLEVEL, --low=MINLEVEL flats with median level bellow (default=1000) are rejected -H MAXLEVEL, --high=MAXLEVEL flats with median level above (default=100000) are rejected -v, --verbose verbose mode [default] Example:: $ -s /tmp/twflats.txt -d /tmp/darkModel.fits -o /tmp/masterTF.fits -n .. index:: flat-field, twilight ``calGainMap`` ************** The ``calGainMap`` module creates a master gain map from a master flat field (dome, twilight or superflat) NOT normalized and previously created. The flatfield will be normalized to make a gainmap and set bad pixels to 0. Usage:: Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SOURCE_FILE, --source=SOURCE_FILE Flat Field image NOT normalized. It has to be a fullpath file name (required) -o OUTPUT_FILENAME, --output=OUTPUT_FILENAME output file to write the Gain Map -L MINGAIN, --low=MINGAIN pixel below this gain value are considered bad (default=0.5) -H MAXGAIN, --high=MAXGAIN pixel above this gain value are considered bad (default=1.5) -x NXBLOCK, --nx=NXBLOCK X dimen. (pixels) to compute local bkg (even) (default=16) -y NYBLOCK, --ny=NYBLOCK Y dimen. (pixels) to compute local bkg (even) (default=16) -n NSIGMA, --nsigma=NSIGMA number of (+|-)stddev from local bkg to be bad pixel (default=5) -N, --normal if true, the input flat-field will be normalized before build the gainmap (default=True) Example:: $ -s /tmp/masterTF.fits -o /tmp/masterGain.fits $ -s /tmp/masterTF.fits -o /tmp/masterGain.fits -L 0.7 -H 1.2 .. index:: flat-field, super-flat ``dxtalk`` ********** PANIC HAWAII-2RG_ sensors with multiple parallel readout sections show crosstalk in form of compact positive and negative ghost images whose amplitude varies between readout sections. PAPI has a optional de-crosstalk module that assumes that the amplitude is the same, therefore the correction will only partially remove the effect (if at all). If you know in advance that this will be a problem for your science case, then consider choosing different camera rotator angles for your observations. It can be activated or deactivated in the :ref:`config` (remove_crosstalk=True|False). .. _note:: "Characterization, Testing and Operation of Omega2000 Wide Field Infrared Camera", Zoltan Kovacs Although bright stars can saturate the detector, resetting of the full array prevents this excess in the pixel values from causing any residual image effects in the following image of the dithering. Nevertheless, the satured pixels generate a crosstalk between the data transfer lines of the different channels of the quadrant in which they are situated. The data lines of the channels are organized in parallel and there might be an interference between the data lines transferring the high video signal and the neighbour ones. As a result of this crosstalk, a series of spots with the distances of 128 pixels from each other appeares in the whole quadrant, corresponding to each channel. The average values of the spots were lower than the background signal and their difference was few percent, which is large enough to degrade the photometric correctness at the place they are situated. These spots could not be measured in the raw images but they were well discernible in the reduced frames (Fig. 9). This effect was a general feature of the operation of all the HAWAII-2 detectors we tested and should be considered for the choice of pointing positions in any field of next observations. Usage:: Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i INPUT_IMAGE, --input_image=INPUT_IMAGE input image to remove crosstalk -o OUTPUT_IMAGE, --output=OUTPUT_IMAGE output filename (default = dxtalk.fits) -O, --overwrite overwrite the original image with the corrected one Example:: $ ./ -i /tmp/pruebaDC.fits -O $ ./ -i /tmp/pruebaDC.fits -o /tmp/pruebaDC_dx.fits ``makeobjmask`` *************** Creates object masks (SExtractor_ OBJECTS images) for a list of FITS images or a single FITS image. Expects the command "sex" (SExtractor Version 2+) in path. If weight maps exist they will be used (assume weight map filename given by replacing .fits with .weight.fits). The module can produce single poing masks,i.e, a single pixel set to 1 per each detected object if `single_poing` option is true. Usage:: Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s INPUTFILE, --file=INPUTFILE It can be a source file listing data frames or a single FITS file to process. -o OUTPUTFILE, --output=OUTPUTFILE Output text file including the list of objects mask files created by SExtractor ending with '.objs' suffix -m MINAREA, --minarea=MINAREA SExtractor DETECT_MINAREA (default=5) -t THRESHOLD, --threshold=THRESHOLD SExtractor DETECT_THRESH (default=2.0) -l SATURLEVEL, --saturlevel=SATURLEVEL SExtractor SATUR_LEVEL (default=300000) -1, --single_point Create a single point object mask (default=False) Example:: $ ./ -s /tmp/reduced_SEQ.fits -o /tmp/obj_mask.txt $ ./ -s /tmp/reduced_SEQ.fits -o /tmp/obj_mask.txt -1 -l 100000 -m 10 ``photometry`` ************** This module receives a reduced image of any known NIR filter and match to 2MASS catalog performing a fit in order to get a estimation of the Zero Point. It is based on the method followed here :: Usage:: Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i INPUT_IMAGE, --input_image=INPUT_IMAGE Input image to calibrate to do photometric comparison with -c BASE_CATALOG, --base_catalog (2MASS, USNO-B)=BASE_CATALOG Name of base catalog to compare with (2MASS, USNO-B) -- not used !!! (default = 2MASS) -S SNR, --snr=SNR Min SNR of stars used for linear fit (default = 10.0) -z ZERO_POINT, --zero_point=ZERO_POINT Initial Magnitude Zero Point estimation [25.0]; used for SExtractor -o OUTPUT_FILENAME, --output=OUTPUT_FILENAME Output plot filename (default = photometry.pdf) Example:: $ -i /data/reduced.fits -o /tmp/calibration.pdf ``correctNonLinearity`` *********************** HAWAII-2RG_ near-IR detectors exhibit an inherent non-linear response. It is caused by the change of the applied reverse bias voltage due to the accumulation of generated charge. The effect increases with signal levels, so that the measured signal deviates stronger from the incident photon number at higher levels, and eventually levels out when the pixel well reaches saturation. The ``correctNonLinearity`` module corrects PANIC images for their count-rate dependent non-linearity. It used the header keywords READMODE and DET_ID to determine the correction. It corrects the first image, and in the case of a multi-extension image, the second image as well, with the appropriate power law. For details see `PANIC detector non-linearity correction data `_. Usage:: Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -m MODEL, --model=MODEL FITS MEF-cube file of polinomial coeffs (c4, c3, c2, c1). -s SOURCE_FILE_LIST, --source=SOURCE_FILE_LIST Source file list of FITS files to be corrected. -o OUT_DIR, --out_dir=OUT_DIR filename of out data file (default=/tmp) -S SUFFIX, --suffix=SUFFIX Suffix to use for new corrected files. -f, --force Force Non-linearity correction with no check of headervalues (NCOADD, DATE-OBS, DETROT90, ... ``solveAstrometry`` ******************* Performs the astrometric calibration of a set of images, in principle previously reduced, but not mandatory; this routine is built on top of tool. Usage:: Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SOURCE_FILE, --source=SOURCE_FILE Source file list of data frames. It can be a file or directory name. -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir=OUTPUT_DIR Place all output files in the specified directory [default=/tmp] -p PIXEL_SCALE, --pixel_scale=PIXEL_SCALE Pixel scale of the images -r, --recursive Recursive subdirectories (only first level) ``remove_cosmics`` ****************** Remove the cosmic ray hits in the input image; it is built on top of Pieter van Dokkum's `L.A.Cosmic `_ algorithm. Usage:: Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i INPUT_IMAGE, --input_image=INPUT_IMAGE input image to remove cosmics -o OUTPUT_IMAGE, --output=OUTPUT_IMAGE output filename (default = without_cosmics.fits) -O, --overwrite overwrite the original image with the corrected one -m, --mask If true, the mask with cosmics detected and removed is written into a FITS file. .. _astromatic: .. _SExtractor: .. _scamp: .. _swarp: .. _SQLite: .. _HAWAII-2RG: