Calar Alto Colloquium 2006
Granada, April  25th afternoon - 26th morning

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC)


This year's Calar Alto Colloquium will be held at the IAA in Granada on Tuesday April 25th and Wednesday April 26th, before the meeting of the time allocation committee (TAC). As usual we welcome contributions from Calar Alto observers presenting their recent results and experiences. Registrations of short presentations (about 15 min) should be sent before April 1st to rosa@iaa.es

Please note:
If you do want to participate without giving a presentation we would appreciate, if you could send us a brief note so we can estimate the total number of participants to be expected. After the deadline the final program will be posted on this page.

Participants are expected to arrange for their accommodation themselves. For participants from Germany limited travel support will be available. Applications should be sent to uthiele@caha.es before April 1

 José Carlos del Toro (Director IAA)    &     Hans-Walter Rix (Director MPIA)

How to reach the Institute: http://www.iaa.es/info/eng/ 

Program of Contributed Talks (tentative)

Tuesday 25th afternoon
Chairwoman: González Delgado
 del Toro, IAA director
Instruments session
 Treating LAICA data
Extragalactic Astrononomy session
16:50  Moles
 ALHAMBRA survey
17:10  Heidt
 The OJ 287 polarization monitoring programme on Calar Alto
Coffee Break

Chairman: Heidt
17:50  Sakelliou
 XMM-Newton and LAICA observations of the merging cluster system Abell 399/401.
18:10  Fassbender
 Finding X-ray luminous galaxy clusters at z>1
18:30  Bomans
 Calar Alto Observations of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies.
18:50  Pérez Gallego
 3D Spectroscopy of local luminous compact blue galaxies.
19:10  Castro-Tirado
 Recent results on GRB research at Calar Alto
19:30 GAstronomy (Beer, Wine and Tapas)

Wednesday 26th morning
Chairman: Alves
Instrument session
 Kelz  "Mas PMAS" - capabilities and use.
 Sánchez  Progress in IFS at Calar Alto: Reduction pipelines, dithering and Mosaicing
Galactic Astrononomy session
 The comet 9P/Tempel 1 as seen from Calar Alto during the Deep Impact event.
10:00  Campo
 Recovering CFEPS Peculiar Outer Solar System Objects.
10:20  Schuh
 The sdB asteroseismology program at Calar Alto.
Coffee Break
11:00  Catalán
  Constraining the initial-to-final mass relationship with common proper motion pairs.
 Quantitative Spectroscopy of Hot Stars.
 High precision differential photometry at Calar Alto in the near-infrared
 Results of five years OH/IR star monitoring.

List of participants and contributions:

 Surname, Name (click for email)  Affiliation  Title of contribution  (click for abstract)
 Alves, Joao
 CAHA, Almería
 Bomans, Dominik J.
 Astr. Inst. (Ruhr-University), Bochum
 Calar Alto Observations of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies.
 Campo Bagatin, Adriano
 Escuela Politécnica Superior  (Univ. Alicante)
 Recovering CFEPS Peculiar Outer Solar System Objects.
Cardaci, Mónica
 Univ. Autónoma Madrid
Cardiel, Nicolás
 Univ. Computense Madrid
 Castillo-Morales, Africa
 Univ. Computense Madrid

 Castro-Tirado, Alberto
 IAA (CSIC), Granada  Recent results on GRB research at Calar Alto
 Catalan Ruiz, Silvia
 Constraining the initial-to-final mass relationship with common proper motion pairs.
 Drew, Janet
 Imperial College, London

 Engels, Dieter
 Hamburger Sternwarte, Hamburg
 Results of five years OH/IR star monitoring.
 Fassbender, Rene
 MPE (MPG), Garching
 Finding X-ray luminous galaxy clusters at z>1
 Fernandez, Matilde  IAA (CSIC), Granada  High precision differential photometry at Calar Alto in the near-infrared.
 Fried, Josef
 MPIA (MPG), Heidelberg  Treating LAICA data.
 Figueras, Francesca
 Univ. Barcelona

 Goldman, Bertrand
 MPIA (MPG), Heidelberg
 González Delgado, Rosa M.  IAA (CSIC), Granada

 Guijarro, Ana
 CAHA, Almería
 Guziy, Sergiy
 IAA (CSIC), Granada
Hagele, Guillermo
 Univ. Autónoma Madrid
 Heidt, Jochen
 Landessternwarte (Univ. Heildeberg)
 The OJ 287 polarization monitoring programme on Calar Alto
 Ibañez, José M
 IAA (CSIC), Granada
 Kelz, Andreas
 Astrophysikalisches Institut, Potsdam
 "Mas PMAS" - capabilities and use.
 Lara, Luisa
 IAA (CSIC), Granada  The comet 9P/Tempel 1 as seen from Calar Alto during the Deep Impact event.
 Lokas, Eva
 Copernicus Center,

 Lutz, Ronny
 IfA (Univ. Göttingen)
 Moles, M
 IAA (CSIC), Granada  GAW & ALHAMBRA survey
del Olmo, Chony
 IAA (CSIC), Granada
 Pandey, Shashi Bhushan
 IAA (CSIC), Granada
 Pedrás, Santos
 CAHA, Almería
 Prada, F
 IAA (CSIC), Granada
 Perea, Jaime
 IAA (CSIC), Granada
 Pérez, Enrique
 IAA (CSIC), Granada
 Pérez Gallego, Jorge
 Univ. Florida
 3D Spectroscopy of local luminous compact blue galaxies.
 Pérez Torres, Miguel A.
 IAA (CSIC), Granada
 Przybilla, Norbert
 Dr. Remeis Sternwarte (Univ. Erlangen), Bamberg
 Quantitative Spectroscopy of Hot Stars.
 Sakelliou, Irini
 MPIA (MPG), Heidelberg
 XMM-Newton and LAICA observations of the merging cluster system Abell 399/401.
 Sánchez, Sebastián F.
 CAHA, Almería
 Progress in IFS at Calar Alto: Reduction pipelines, dithering and Mosaicing.
 Schuh, Sonja
 IfA (Univ. Göttingen)
 The sdB asteroseismology program at Calar Alto.
 Tadhunter, Clive
 Univ. Sheffield

 Thiele, Ulrich
 CAHA, Almería

Verdes Montenegro, L
 IAA (CSIC), Granada
Villar-Martín, Monsetrrat
 IAA (CSIC), Granada
 Weis, Kerstin
 Astr. Inst. (Ruhr-University) Bochum

This page located at http://www.iaa.es/~rosa/caha2006/caha-main.html last updated 2 April 2006 @ 14:35 by Rosa.