HII region population in a sample of nearby galaxies with nuclear activity.
III. The Catalogues.       (a work submitted to MNRAS on Januray 2001)

Enrique Pérez & Rosa M. González Delgado
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC)

We present the catalogues of the HII regions measured in Ha in 39 spiral galaxies with nuclear activity, and compute some statistical properties. The data follow a number of correlations:

  1. For each galaxy, the median HII region pair separation follows a lognormal distribution, whose mean value is correlated with the size of the galaxy. Simple numerical simulations suggest that the slope of this correlation is given by the property of the sites being uniformly distributed across the galaxy.
  2. The sites of ongoing star formation spread out so as to generally occupy the available room in the galaxy.
  3. The statistics of each HII region nearest neighbour is such that the median value of the distribution in each galaxy is larger for larger galaxies; thus, larger galaxies are somewhat more roomy.
  4. There is a trend for larger galaxies to have sistematically larger HII regions.
  5. Galaxies with small specific angular momentum cover all the range in HII region sizes, while those with higher values of the specific angular momentum only show the largest HII regions.
These correlations suggest that there is a tendency for star formation to be more sparse in larger galaxies, and that in these the smaller HII regions are not allowed to be formed.

Acces to data

  • You can retrieve a single file containing all the tables together. This file is a gziped text file where each table is layed out in LaTeX format, which is convenient for general processing and that can be easily edited out for column data analysis.

  • The table below gives general properties of the galaxies. The columns are:

    1. name
    2. redshift (km/s)
    3. diameter (kpc)
    4. log total blue luminosity (erg/s)
    5. median HII region size (pc)
    6. median HII region distance to nearest neighbour (pc)
    7. log median HII region surface brightness (erg/s/pc2).

    For each galaxy, we provide its catalogue of HII regions measured in this work. The columns for each catalogue are:

    1. HII region number
    2. (x,y) location (arcsec) relative to nucleus. NOTE that the orientation is: North up (positive y values), East left (negative x values)
    3. size (radius in pc)
    4. distance to nucleus (pc)
    5. log Flux Ha (erg/s)
    6. log surface brightness Ha (erg/s/pc2)
    7. log required ionizing photon flux (photon/s)
    8. computed rms density (cm-3).
    NGC cz R25 LB HII size neigh SB  data
    1068 1131 15.5 43.49 146 250 34.62 X
    1667 4585 15.8 43.53 447 777 34.12 X
    2639 3187 11.2 43.27 375 825 33.89 X
    2681 715 5.0 42.51 36 999 00.00 X
    2985 1277 11.3 42.99 83 255 00.00 X
    3169 1067 9.0 42.81 78 272 00.00 X
    3185 1200 5.4 42.26 91 881 34.11 X
    3227 1170 12.2 42.84 71 284 00.00 X
    3367 2906 14.1 43.33 192 647 00.00 X
    3368 758 11.1 43.02 48 236 00.00 X
    3660 3300 17.2 42.52 234 816 00.00 X
    3982 1188 5.4 42.61 95 179 00.00 X
    4051 710 7.2 42.56 67 179 00.00 X
    4151 970 11.9 42.80 41 330 00.00 X
    4314 977 7.9 42.66 131 280 33.99 X
    4548 366 3.8 41.97 19 129 00.00 X
    4579 1502 17.1 43.43 80 401 33.48 X
    4593 2505 18.9 43.37 121 3073 33.98 X
    4639 970 5.2 42.37 89 385 34.15 X
    4699 1309 9.7 43.32 89 396 34.01 X
    4736 307 6.7 42.65 37 63 34.40 X
    4891 2418 0.0 42.89 152 537 34.00 X
    4995 1645 7.8 42.96 131 293 33.93 X
    5194 474 10.3 43.04 45 98 00.00 X
    5347 2335 7.7 42.65 136 712 33.87 X
    5371 2561 21.7 43.51 175 586 33.94 X
    5427 2565 14.0 43.30 273 473 33.92 X
    5474 416 3.9 41.90 38 136 00.00 X
    5921 1428 13.6 42.93 127 360 33.65 X
    5930 2672 8.6 42.58 271 557 34.03 X
    5953 1983 6.2 42.68 297 253 34.88 X
    5954 1959 4.9 42.27 196 318 34.39 X
    6500 3016 12.8 43.14 145 1448 33.98 X
    6574 2415 6.6 43.20 314 425 34.57 X
    6814 1560 9.1 43.02 151 670 34.11 X
    6951 1403 10.6 43.20 103 545 34.40 X
    7469 4889 14.0 43.44 466 1086 00.00 X
    7479 2399 18.9 43.44 227 646 34.19 X
    7672 3900 9.3 42.64 313 1371 33.93  X