You may also find an archive of news published in the media which are related with the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía - CSIC.
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Nkalakatha megamasser found, revealing a large galaxy collision The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) participates in the discovery of the radio emission produced by a galactic collision |
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The most distant star ever seen The Hubble space telescope sets a new record by capturing the light from a star that shone in the first billion years after the Big Bang. The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) is involved in the discovery, which provides a detailed view of the dawn of the universe |
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R Aquarii: a symbiotic star with active galaxy features The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) participates in the X-ray analysis of R Aquarii, a double star formed by a red giant star and a white dwarf. The system shows a very complex morphology, with a bipolar S-shaped jet emerging from the white dwarf and an extensive nebula with filaments and cavities |
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Bernardelli-Bernstein confirmed to be the largest Oort-cloud comet in the Solar System The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) participates in the study with the ALMA radiotelescope (Chile) of comet C/2014 UN271 Bernardinelli-Bernstein, which determined its size and albedo, or surface reflectivity. With 137 kilometres, it is the largest known comet, and perhaps one of the most pristine |
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The start of the birth of planets in a binary star system observed The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) leads the study of the binary star SVS 13, still in its embryonic phase. Astronomers have observed primordial material that may be giving birth to three planetary systems around a binary star |
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First results of the MASCOT project suggest that galaxies "turn off" from the inside out The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) participates in MASCOT, a large-scale study of the cold gas in galaxies, an essential element for understanding how galactic evolution works |
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Structure of the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy revealed The IAA-CSIC leads a study that reveals the almost circular shape of Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole located in the center of the Milky Way. The shape indicates that the axis of rotation of the flow of matter surrounding the black hole (or a possible jet) may be pointing toward Earth |
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Pulsars could hide one of the keys to understanding how cosmic rays travel The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) leads a study that analyzes the role of gamma-ray halos around pulsars in order to understand how cosmic rays travel |
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Second Trojan asteroid detected around Earth Trojans are asteroids that share an orbit with a planet around its stable Lagrangian points, which are located sixty degrees ahead and behind the planet in its orbit. Widely studied on other planets, such as Jupiter, which has several thousand, only one has so far been found around the Earth |
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Highest resolution image of the OJ 287 galaxy suggests it harbours a binary supermassive black hole The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) is leading a work that combines observations of space and ground-based radio telescopes to study the central regions of the galaxy OJ 287 |
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Plato exoplanet mission gets green light for next phase On January 11, ESA's PLATO mission, in which the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) participates, received the green light to continue its development after successfully passing the review of critical milestones |
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Re-encounter with a planetary nebula 30 years later reveals changes and a possible companion star The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) leads a study based on data from Calar Alto Observatory (CAHA), showing the variability of the planetary nebula IC4997 |
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Oxygen found in the atmosphere of the hottest known exoplanet A team with the participation of the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) publishes the discovery of oxygen atoms in KELT-9b, the first detection of this compound in an exoplanetary atmosphere. |
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Distinct pulses captured in the giant magnetic flare from a neutron star In just a tenth of a second, a magnetar -a particularly magnetic type of neutron star- released energy equivalent to that produced by the Sun in 100,000 years. Its study in detail has revealed multiple pulses at the peak of the eruption, which will make it possible to understand these still little-known giant magnetic flares |
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The dramatic final dance of stars with shared envelope The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) participates in the study of fifteen peculiar stars that have turned out to be double stars that, after sharing an envelope, lost a large part of their mass |
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Double helix structure observed in the jet emanating from the black hole in M87 galaxy Produced by the magnetic field, it is the first time that this structure has been observed at such far distances from the black hole. The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) participates in the discovery |
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Giant planets could reach maturity sooner than expected The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) participates in the study of the giant planets of the V1298 Tau system, which in just twenty million years have already reached their final size. The finding has been possible thanks to radial velocity measurements from the HARPS-N spectrographs, at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (ORM), and from CARMENES, at the Calar Alto Observatory (CAHA) |
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On fire and in the process of breakind up by its star companion Found a system formed by a white dwarf star and a small object, possibly a planet, so close that the second is scorched by the star's radiation, causing its atmosphere to evaporate |
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Discovery of a possible satellite galaxy of M33, a neighbouring Local Group galaxy M33, also known as the Triangle galaxy, is the third largest galaxy in the Local Group, after Andromeda and the Milky Way. The finding is part of the search for the "lost satellites", which tries to resolve the discrepancy between the galaxy formation models and the observations of the Local Group galaxies |
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New perspectives on the problem of galaxies without dark matter The discovery of numerous very low surface brightness galaxies in the environment of NGC 1052 provides a crucial clue to the debate about the lack of dark matter in some galaxies of this group. The new data points to the existence of a group of galaxies closer than NGC 1052, to which these anomalous galaxies would belong, and the proximity would solve the problem |
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Rocco Lico awarded with a 2021 EHT Early Career Award Rocco Lico awarded with a 2021 EHT Early Career Award |
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Planetary system found similar to the future of the Solar System after the Sun's death Scientists from the IAA-CSIC are involved in the discovery of a system formed by a white dwarf star and a planet similar to Jupiter. The discovery, published in Nature, shows that planets can survive the death of their star. |
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Light pollution has increased by at least 49% in the last 25 years The study only includes data from satellites, very limited for the detection of blue light (the most polluting), so that the real increase can amount to 270% globally. The investigation reveals the seriousness of a problem that, according to experts, will worsen if the draft Royal Decree for energy efficiency is approved according to the current proposal |
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Remnants of the historic supernova of 1181 suggest it originated from the merger of two stars Chinese and Japanese texts documented the appearance of a supernova in the year 1181, and now the remnant of that explosion is located |
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The IAA is participating in the development of 'Uchuu', the most accurate and complete simulation of the universe. An international team of researchers has developed the most realistic simulation of the universe to date. The creation, named Uchuu (which means universe in Japanese) has been made possible thanks to ATERUI II (Japan), the most powerful supercomputer in the world, built by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) to facilitate the understanding of different astronomical phenomena from a theoretical point of view. This virtual... |
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The most detailed images of galaxies are obtained thanks to LOFAR, a network of 70,000 antennas The IAA-CSIC heads one of the eleven articles that make up a special issue of the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics on the results of LOFAR |
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New technique to detect, without contact, viruses on surfaces Based on the use of hyperspectral images and data processing with advanced statistics and artificial intelligence, it has been successfully applied in two synthetic models of SARS-CoV-2. The research, which continues in humans, has been funded by the Carlos III Health Institute and has made it possible to patent a technique capable of simultaneously analyzing numerous samples without the need for contact or reagents |
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The Perseid meteor shower arrives The Perseids are produced by the impact in our atmosphere of fragments of the meteoroid cloud of Comet 109P / Swift-Tuttle, and are also recorded on the surface of the Moon. During the peak, around August 11, up to fifty perseids per hour can be observed in places away from light pollution |
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Small force, big effect: how planets can affect the Sun The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) is involved in developing a theory that supports the hypothesis that planets affect the Sun's magnetic activity. It shows how the small influence of the planets could set a rhythm in a system like the Sun that, if confirmed, would allow events such as solar storms to be predicted more accurately |
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The massive star that barely shone upon death The IAA-CSIC participates in two articles that disseminate the discovery of the shortest gamma ray burst (GRB) produced by the death of a massive star ever detected |
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The enigmatic assembly process of the Sombrero galaxy The Sombrero galaxy, a strange hybrid between a spiral and an elliptical galaxy, has been observed in detail to look for clues about its formation process. A large elliptical structure surrounding the galaxy, the product of a minor merger with another galaxy, has been characterised, but the origin of its shape remains unknown |
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The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) pinpoints the central black hole of the galaxy Centaurus A The EHT collaboration, in which the IAA-CSIC participates, shows in unique detail the heart of Centaurus A, from which gigantic jets of matter emerge, giving it its characteristic appearance. |
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MeerKAT discovers a group of galaxies hidden in a well-studied region Su abundancia en hidrógeno neutro apunta a que se trata de un grupo de galaxias en proceso de formación |
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CARMENES instrument finds two new planetary systems formed by Earths and super-Earths The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) leads the detection of what, according to the data, is the most common type of planetary systems around dwarf stars, the most common in the Milky Way |
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CAIRT mission, with the participation of the IAA-CSIC, candidate for ESA's Earth Explorer 11 programme The mission will focus on processes combining atmospheric circulation, composition, space weather and regional climate change, and will provide critical observations not available with existing or planned satellites |
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IAA researchers publish the most detailed star catalogue of the Galactic Centre The GALACTICNUCLEUS project will make it possible to study the stellar population surrounding the supermassive black hole at the Galactic Centre in unprecedented detail. The work, led by the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia, offers the most extensive census of stars in the Galactic Core recorded to date |
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Juice mission prepares for its extreme environmental test JUICE, a European Space Agency (ESA) mission to be launched in September 2022, will study Jupiter and its moons to analyse the possibilities for the development of life around gas giant planets. The Institute de Astrophysics de Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) is participating in two of the mission's instruments, the GALA laser altimeter and the JANUS camera |
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Presentation of the project Hola Tierra The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) welcomes the presentation of the project of the musician Antonio Arias based on the poems of the astronaut Al Worden. The project, which has the participation of the Cervantes Institute and the IAA-CSIC, includes an album, a book and a documentary |
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A method to study distorted white dwarf stars is developed The IAA-CSIC is leading a study to determine the properties of stars that, either because of rapid rotation or because they are in a very compact double system subject to strong tidal forces, show a flattened shape |
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OPTICON-Radionet PILOT (ORP), the largest astronomy network in Europe, is born Two astronomy networks come together to form the largest collaborative terrestrial astronomy network in Europe |
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What ignites the helium halos of early galaxies remains a mystery A study looks at the galaxy IZw18, an analogue of the first galaxies that appeared in the universe, for the origin of the radiation that produces a helium halo around it |
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MAAT: new “eyes” for the OSIRIS instrument of the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) MAAT, a visiting GTC instrument in the preliminary design phase, will bring the technique known as integral field spectroscopy to the OSIRIS instrument |
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Astronomers Image Magnetic Fields at the Edge of M87’s Black Hole The Event Horizon Telescope reaches a new milestone in astronomical observation by analyzing M87's supermassive black hole in polarized light |
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Observed for the first time a jet of gas as it emerges from the central star of a planetary nebula Thanks to MEGARA instrument of the Gran Telescopio Canarias, researchers from the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) have observed and analyzed the jet of NGC 2392, which points to the existence of a companion star |
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Researcher Mirjana Povic receives the Jocelyn Bell Burnell Award from the European Astronomical Society Researcher at the Ethiopian Institute of Space Science and Technology and a vinculated doctor to the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia, she investigates the formation and evolution of galaxies. She works in the development of science and education in Africa, with a special focus on the role of women, and has coordinated and participated in projects in Ethiopia, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, South Africa, Kenya and Ghana |
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The Exoplanet Revolution Didier Queloz, 2019 Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of the first exoplanet around a star similar to the Sun, will give a seminar on the planetary systems found to date and their implications for our vision of the universe |
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The IAA Advanced School of Planetary Systems, open to the public Organized within the framework of the Severo Ochoa-IAA project, it addresses our knowledge of exoplanetary systems from a broad and updated context |
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ExoMars mission discovers new gas and tracks water loss on Mars The ExoMars-TGO orbiter, from the European Space Agency and Roscosmos, finds hydrogen chloride in the Martian atmosphere, produced by the release of salt embedded in the planet's surface. The ExoMars data also allow quantifying the loss of water on the red planet and establishing the mechanisms that contribute to the process |
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The largest radioastronomy observatory in the world, SKAO, is born Spain is among the participating countries in the SKA Observatory (SKAO), an intergovernmental organization that will open a new era in radioastronomy. The Minister of Science, Pedro Duque, has highlighted that it is a milestone that will revolutionize astronomy and other scientific and technological fields. Spanish participation in SKA is led by the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) |
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A "magnifying glass" look at one of the largest known centaurs Thanks to a stellar occultation, astronomers were able to observe and determine the characteristics of 2002 GZ32, a centaur with a diameter of almost 400 kilometers on its major axis. Known for more than forty years, we have little information about this group of icy objects orbiting the Sun between the orbits of Jupiter and Neptune |