Headlines and events archive

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You may also find an archive of news published in the media which are related with the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía - CSIC.


Stellar formation is observed in a type of galaxy where, in theory, stars are no longer born
CALIFA project allowed to detect, in three early-type galaxies, a very tenuous arms where stars are being formed. The data, obtained with Calar Alto Observatory 3.5m telescope, contradict the widespread belief that in old galaxies stars are no longer born
The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia launches the app "Let´s go to Mars!"
"Let's go to Mars" is a scientific graphic adventure in which you must land-off in Mars, explore the surface of the planet, build a permanent base for the arrival of your colleagues, collect and analyze Martian samples, and face the many dangers that exist in the red planet
First data confirm that NOMAD will be able to put an end to the methane mystery on Mars
NOMAD´s data confirm the perfect functioning of the instrument, co-developed by the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC)
Brightness variations on the surface of '67P / Churyumov' show the complexity of cometary activity
Brightness variations on the surface of '67P / Churyumov' show the complexity of cometary activity
A startburst reveals the formation mechanism of massive stars
A startburst reveals the formation mechanism of massive stars
Study confirms that novae, a type of explosive phenomenon in stars, are main source of lithium in the universe
Large amounts of beryllium-7, an element that decays into lithium, have been found inside nova Sagittarii 2015 N.2
ExoMars mission, in orbit around Mars
The TGO satellite has successfully completed the ignition needed to be captured by Martian gravity
Rosetta's grand finale
The spacecraft will perform tonight a controlled descent to the surface of the comet 67P, during which it will continue collecting data
Summer fireworks on Rosetta's comet
Brief but powerful outbursts seen from Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko during its most active period last year have been traced back to their origins on the surface
New breakthrough in methodology to estimate life span of stars
Size of star nuclei determines amount of combustible available, and hence evolution and life span of a star
Mrk1018: the black hole that returns to the shadows
Mrk1018 is a supermassive black hole located at the center of a distant galaxy that has changed its appearance twice in thirty years
Earthlike planet discovered orbiting around nearest star to Sun
Located in the habitable zone, the planet orbits around its star in eleven days and has a mass of at least 1.3 times that of the Earth. Named Proxima B, it orbits around Proxima Centauri, a red dwarf located only four light years away from our own planet
University of Almería, Calar Alto Observatory and IAA will enhance astronomical knowledge
Among the collaboration projects that will be launched, stand out the creation of an astronomical lecture room at the UAL, the incorporation of trainees at the Observatory and the creation of a summer course that approach its work to the whole society
The weird system of star CVSO 30: two planets at extreme distances
A direct image has been taken of a planet so far away from his star that it takes twenty-seven thousand years for completing one orbit, and it shares the system with another planet which completes its orbit in just eleven hours
Discovery of miniature planetary formation disk will enable observation of planetary gestation in real time
Young star XZ Tau B displays a dwarf protoplanetary disk which may evolve up to five hundred times faster than bigger disks and display observable changes in just a few months
Project ORISON to study the cosmos from stratospheric balloons launched
ORISON, financed by the European Union through the H2020 scheme, is a project conducted by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, the University of Stuttgart, the Max Planck Society, and Ernst & Young
Susana Diaz commits the Andalusian government support to the continuity of Calar Alto Observatory
The president of Junta de Andalucía has visited the observatory on the occasion of the presentation of CARMENES project, which will search for exoplanets where the conditions could allow liquid water
Launch of the UFFO Tracking Space Telescope, designed to capture the early moment of Gamma-Ray Bursts
The UFFO international collaboration has developed a tracking space telescope that will detect X-rays and track UV/optical lights emitting from very early moment of Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs)
Planning Starts for MOS and HIRES Instruments on the E-ELT
The Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC) participates in the development of HIRES spectrograph and in the scientific exploitation of both instruments
Planet embryo orbiting around star HL Tau shows how planetary formation can be accelerated
Young star HL Tau is surrounded by a disk of dust displaying numerous grooves taken believed to be initial phases of planet formation
The Calar Alto Observatory opens up its doors to the public
The Spanish-German Astronomical Centre at Calar Alto (CAHA, MPG / CSIC) and the company Azimuth-Education and scientific tourism, have signed an agreement for the management and development of astrotourism and outreach activities from the observatory and its environment
The highest angular resolution image in Astronomy reveals the insides of a galactic nucleus
The space mission RadioAstron (Russian Space Agency) has observed, along with fifteen other radio telescopes distributed around the globe, the environment of the black hole at the core of the active galaxy BL Lacertae
Follow a Live Planet Hunt!
A unique outreach campaign has been launched that will allow the general public to follow scientists from around the globe as they search for an Earth-like exoplanet around the closest star to us, Proxima Centauri. The observing campaign will run from January to April 2016 and will be accompanied by blog posts and social media updates. No one knows what the outcome will be. In the months following the observations, the scientists will analyse...
The European Space Agency (ESA) will search for potentially dangerous objects from Calar Alto
ESA and Calar Alto have signed a collaboration agreement for the exclusive remote use of the 80 cm. Schmidt Telescope.
History of Andromeda galaxy studied through stellar remains
Planetary nebulae, stars similar to the Sun which have burnt up their fuel and ejected their external layers, make it possible to study two main substructures of the Andromeda galaxy
Researchers from the IAA and the UGR question results obtained heretofore in the study of pulsating stars
A study using the high precision satellites CoRot and Kepler has pointed to two examples which put in question the use of a tool common to most studies of stellar oscillations
The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia receives the medal of honor of the Foundation Rodríguez-Acosta
The medal has been awarded for his research and as a center of international reference
Logo CARMENES 18/10/2015
Infrared ‘eye’ arrival completes CARMENES instrument, which will see its first light in November
The infrared channel, developed at the Instituto de Astronfísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC), will be tomorrow placed in its final location, at the 3.5m Calar Alto Observatory telescope
Mision Rosetta 27/09/2015
Rosetta mission confirms comet 67P to be product of fusion of two independent objects
Cometary lobes collided together very slowly during formation of the Solar System  
Atmospheric warming 15/09/2015
Concentration of carbon dioxide on the rise in upper layers of Earth’s atmosphere
The SABER instrument, aboard the TIMED satellite (NASA), has measured an increase of between five and twelve percent per decade in the concentration of CO2 in the top atmospheric layers
Abell 78: the born-again star
Abell 78 suffered a late thermonuclear blast that took it back for a while to a previous stage
Misión MarsExpress 09/07/2015
UPWARDS, a cutting-edge project for global understanding of Mars
Co-ordinated by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC), the project involves seven European scientific institutions which are developing new analytical techniques to exploit the Mars Express and the future ExoMars missions
Detail of comet 67P nucleus 01/07/2015
Activity inside pits of comet 67P observed by the Rosetta mission helps to explain their origin
Origin of circular depressions found on various comets has finally been discovered thanks to the observations of the OSIRIS camera aboard the Rosetta mission (ESA)
Artistic image from EXOMARS mission 13/05/2015
IAA codirects NOMAD, an instrument that may solve the enigma of methane on Mars
In eight months’ time, an instrument called NOMAD will fly to Mars aboard the ExoMars mission of the European Spatial Agency (ESA)
Emergence of a stellar jet in real-time 30/03/2015
Emergence of a stellar jet observed in real time
The observation over an eighteen year span of the formation of a massive star has unveiled the birth of a bipolar jet which ejects matter and regulates the star’s growth
Real time gestation of stellar jet
Stars birth and grow inside big clouds made of gas and dust by gravitational collapse of overdensity areas.
Image of galaxy IZW 18 23/03/2015
IZw18: the galaxy that reveals the history of the universe
A map of ionized helium in the galaxy has just been published which indicates the presence of peculiar stars similar to the first that ever shone in the universe
SKA dishes matrix 09/03/2015
The world’s largest radio telescope takes a major step towards construction
The Square Kilometre Array (SKA), the largest research infrastructure ever developed, has already a final design for the first phase of the project
Venus’ atmosphere, in the ultraviolet range 24/02/2015
The huge “Y” in the atmosphere of Venus due to a wave distorted by the wind
When observed in the ultraviolet range, Venus’ atmosphere reveals to be covered by a dark Y-shaped cloud whose origin and evolution have remained unexplained up to date
Origin of the magnetic field covering the Sun 19/02/2015
The origin of the magnetic field covering the Sun has been discovered
High resolution observations using the HINODE satellite reveal the existence of small magnetic elements inside solar supergranules
Jupiter view from moon Ganimedes 18/02/2015
JUPITER, a laboratory for studying exoplanets
Its atmosphere has been analized during an eclipse of Ganymede, the third satellite of the gas giant
Plume observed on Mars 16/02/2015
The highest plume ever observed on Mars
Researchers are studying images of a mysterious bulge that rose up more than 200 km from the surface
Stars akin to the sun also explode 16/02/2015
Stars akin to the sun also explode when they die
IRAS 15103-5754, a star observed as it was turning into a planetary nebula, yields new clues as to the death of stars akin to the sun
Location of "sigma Orionis" 27/01/2015
The characteristics of the multiple star "sigma Orionis" are determined
A detailed study on the multiple star system led by Spanish astrophysicists has identified the period, mass and emission of high energy photons of the main stars of the system
Detalle del cometa 67P 22/01/2015
Rosetta mission yields most accurate and integral picture of a comet ever
Science magazine publishes special edition on findings of Rosetta, on orbit around comet 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko since August 2014
universal comb vs. neón spectrum 10/12/2014
A universal comb
Optical frequency comb allows more accurate astronomical observations  
Artistic representation of SOLAR ORBITER mission 11/11/2014
IAA-CSIC is co-managing an instrument that will orbit around the Sun on board the Solar Orbiter mission (ESA)
Solar Orbiter (ESA) will travel around the Sun to study both solar physics and the Sun’s influence on the interplanetary medium, using instruments of local measurement as well as remote surveyal
GLORIA Logo project 10/11/2014
The GLORIA Project makes available to internet users 13 robotic telescopes in three continents
GLORIA, which uses copyleft licenses for the free distribution of its contents and materials, is supported by the Ciziten Science program of the European Union
An artist's view of the heart of a quasar 29/10/2014
Existence of a group of “quiet” quasars confirmed
Apart from very distant, ultraluminous quasars -evolving rapidly and associated with galaxy mergers - there is likely another population of quasars that evolves slowly
Artistic impression of a baby star still surrounded by a protoplanetary disc 23/09/2014
Signs of the formation of a planetary system around the star HD169142
Young star HD169142 displays a disk of gas and dust with two annular gaps possibly due to the formation of planets
