IAA authors:
Montoro-Molina, B.;Guerrero, M. A.
Montoro-Molina, B.;Tafoya, D.;Guerrero, M. A.;Toalá, J. A.;Santamaría, E.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
In a born-again planetary nebula (PN), processed H-deficient material has been injected inside the old, H-rich nebula as a result of a very late thermal pulse (VLTP) event. Long-slit spectra have been used to unveil the chemical and physical differences between these two structures, but the ejection and shaping processes still remain unclear. To peer into the morpho-kinematics of the H-deficient ejecta in the born-again PN A 58, we present the first integral field spectroscopic observations of a born-again PN as obtained with GTC MEGARA. We detect emission from the Hα, He I, [O III], [N II] and [S II] emission lines, which help us unveil the expansion patterns of the different structures. In combination with ALMA and Hubble Space Telescope data we have been able to produce a complete view of the H-deficient ionized and molecular ejecta in A 58. We propose an hourglass structure for the ionized material, which embraces molecular high-velocity polar components and is simultaneously bisected by an expanding toroidal molecular and dusty structure. Our results leverage the role of a companion in shaping the VLTP ejecta in this born-again PN.
techniques: imaging spectroscopy;stars: evolution;stars: winds;outflows;planetary nebulae: general;planetary nebulae: individual: PN A66 58;Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics;Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies