Input parameters ================ ``grempy`` accepts the input parameters listed here. If a parameter is missing in your input file it will adopt a default value, indicated here in square brackets. ``ncpml`` Number of cells in the convoluted perfectly matching layers. [10] ``mu_N`` Mobility times N in SI units. [1.2e+24] ``track_z`` List of z-values to track. ``plugins`` List of plugins for the simulation. ``track_r`` List of r-values to track. ``r_source`` With of the source in km. [10] ``gas_density_file`` A file to read the gas density from in h[km] n[cm^3]. ``tau_f`` Fall (decay) time of the stroke in seconds [0.0005] ``dens_update_lower`` Densities will not be updated below this threshold in km. This is to avoid the effects of high fields close to the source. [20] ``output_dt`` The time between savings in seconds. [6e-05] ``tau_r`` Rise time of the stroke in seconds [5e-05] ``z0_source`` Lower edge of the source in km. [-160] ``ionization_rate_file`` A file to read the ionization rate from in E/n[Td] k[m^3 s^-1]. ``end_t`` The final simulation time. [6e-05] ``Q`` The Charge transferred in C. [1000.0] ``r_cells`` Number of cells in the r direction. [300] ``dt`` The time step in seconds. [1e-07] ``z0`` Lower boundary of the simulation in km. [-1000] ``z1`` Upperr boundary of the simulation in km. [1100] ``lower_boundary`` Lower boundary condition. Use 0 for a cpml, != 0 for an electrode . ``electron_density_file`` A file to read the electron density from in h[km] n[cm^3]. ``input_dir`` The directory that contains extra input files. [/home/luque/projects/em/] ``z_cells`` Number of cells in the z direction. [110] ``z1_source`` Upper edge of the source in km. [-160] ``r`` Radius of the simulation domain in km. [3000]