PySnacks for beginners

21/03/2022 to 01/04/2022
The IAA Severo Ochoa Training Initiative would like to announce a new series of workshops on the use of Python packages for astrophysics/space science: ”PySnacks”. Our first four lessons will be dedicated to fundamental packages (Pandas, Astropy, Astroquery) in combination with the Gaia and Pa-STARRS datasets (see They will be imparted by Laura Darriba and Javier Moldón from the IAA: Session 1 1. Basic queries 2. Coordinate Transformations Session 2 3. Plotting and Tabular Data 4. Plotting and Pandas 5. Transform and Select Session 3 6. Join 7. Photometry Session 4 8. Visualization Dates: 22, 25, 29 March and 1 April 2022 Time: 10-13h (CET)