The Universe in 56 colors. Science with the first J-PAS data

02/12/2019 to 04/12/2019
The mapped J-PAS (Javalambre Physics of the accelerating universe Astrophysical Survey) will observe thousands of square degrees of the northern sky with a unique set of 56 filters (14 nm wide) in the optical range of the spectrum. J-PAS will provide high-quality photometric redshifts (~1000 km/s) for tens of millions of galaxies, and its legacy character will advance the fields of cosmology, galaxy evolution, and the study of the Milky Way. J-PAS will be carried out from the Javalambre Astrophysical Observatory (OAJ, Teruel) with the Javalambre Survey Telescope (JST; 2.5m primary mirror) and the JPCam instrument (5 degrees square field of view). While JPCam finishes its tuning at the OAJ, the JST telescope has already started the scientific operations thanks to the JPAS-Pathfinder first light camera (JPAS-PF). Throughout 2018, JPAS-PF@JST has mapped a square degree of the sky in the area of the Groth strip with the 56 filters of J-PAS and reaching the nominal photometric depth of the project. The objective of this RIA Open Meeting is to present and make public this unique data set, release the reduced images and catalogs generated, demonstrate the capabilities of J-PAS with real data and motivate the scientific exploitation of the J-PAS project by the international astrophysical community. The meeting will have a scientific-technical character, with sessions dedicated to present the observations, the reduction process, the calibration and the access to the data. There will also be sessions focused on the scientific exploitation of the first square degree of the J-PAS project, as well as on the identification and strengthening of synergies with other projects that have a significant Spanish presence and/or are carried out from other national astronomical ICTSs.