Hipparcos y la población estelar temprana de la vecindad solar: Estructura vertical galáctica, la burbuja local y extinciones masivas.

The availability of Hipparcos data has revolutionized astrometry. The impact has been felt more strongly in those fields where there is a significant number of objects within 200 pc, which corresponds to the maximum distance at which individual Hipparcos parallaxes can be considered accurate. However, objects located further away can still be analyzed with Hipparcos when one considers the measurements in a statistical sense. Here I discuss some of my recent work which has used Hipparcos data to study the nearby early-type stellar population. I present what are the most precise measurements to date of the scale height of the thin Galactic disk and the position of the Sun with respect to the Galactic plane. I also propose that the hot local bubble was created by the Scorpius-Centaurus OB association based on the spatial motion of this association measured by Hipparcos. I also discuss the possible geological and biological consequences of the proximity of this association to Earth within the last 5 Ma. Finally, I outline future lines of work using Hipparcos and other astrometry satellites.


17/05/2002 - 14:00
Jesús Maíz Apellániz
