Source code for astromatic.scamp

#! /usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2010 Jose M. Ibanez All rights reserved.
# Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia, IAA-CSIC
# This file is part of PAPI
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# ======================================================================
# scamp module.
# Author: Jose Miguel Ibanez Mengual <>
# 2011-5-17 : substituted popen2 with subprocess
# ======================================================================

A wrapper for SCAMP (, E.Bertin).

This wrapper allows you to configure SCAMP, run it and get back its outputs 
without the need of editing SCAMP configuration files. by default, configuration 
files are created on-the-fly, and SCAMP is run silently via python.

Tested on SCAMP versions 1.4.6 and 1.7.0


# ======================================================================

import sys
import os
import re
import copy
import subprocess

# PAPI modules
from papi.misc.paLog import log

# ======================================================================

__version__ = "0.1 (2010-06-08)"

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[docs]class SCAMP_Exception(Exception): pass
[docs]class SCAMP_AccuracyException(Exception): pass
# ======================================================================
[docs]class SCAMP: """ A wrapper class to transparently use SCAMP. """ _SC_config = { #----------------------------- Field grouping --------------------------------- "FGROUP_RADIUS": {"comment": "Max dist (deg) between field groups", "value": 1.0}, #---------------------------- Reference catalogs ------------------------------ "REF_SERVER": {"comment": "Internet addresses of catalog servers", "value": ""}, "REF_PORT": {"comment": "Ports to connect to catalog servers", "value": 1660}, "CDSCLIENT_EXEC": {"comment": 'CDSclient executable', "value": "aclient"}, "ASTREF_CATALOG": {"comment": "NONE, FILE, USNO-A1, USNO-A2, USNO-B1, GSC-1.3, GSC-2.2, UCAC-1, UCAC-2,NOMAD-1, 2MASS, DENIS-3, SDSS-R3, SDSS-R5 or SDSS-R6 ", "value": "2MASS"}, "ASTREF_BAND": {"comment": "Photom. band for astr.ref.magnitudes or DEFAULT, BLUEST, or REDDEST", "value": "DEFAULT"}, "ASTREFCAT_NAME": {"comment": "Local astrometric reference catalogs", "value": ""}, "ASTREFCENT_KEYS": {"comment": "Local parameters", "value": "X_WORLD,Y_WORLD"}, "ASTREFERR_KEYS": {"comment": 'Local ellipse parameters', "value": 'ERRA_WORLD, ERRB_WORLD, ERRTHETA_WORLD'}, "ASTREFMAG_KEY": {"comment": "Local parameter", "value": "MAG"}, "SAVE_REFCATALOG": {"comment": "Save ref catalogs in FITS-LDAC format?", "value": "N"}, #--------------------------- Merged output catalogs --------------------------- "MERGEDOUTCAT_NAME": {"comment": "Merged output catalog filename", "value": ""}, "MERGEDOUTCAT_TYPE": {"comment": "NONE, ASCII_HEAD, ASCII, FITS_LDAC", "value": 'NONE'}, #----------------------------- Pattern matching ------------------------------- "MATCH": {"comment": "Do pattern-matching (Y/N) ?", "value": "Y"}, "MATCH_NMAX": {"comment": 'Max.number of detections for MATCHing(0=auto)', "value": 0}, "PIXSCALE_MAXERR": {"comment": "Max scale-factor uncertainty", "value": 1.2}, "POSANGLE_MAXERR": {"comment": 'Max position-angle uncertainty (deg)', "value": 5.0}, "POSITION_MAXERR": {"comment": "Max positional uncertainty (arcmin)", "value": 1.0}, "MATCH_RESOL": {"comment": "Matching resolution (arcsec); 0=auto", "value": 0}, "MATCH_FLIPPED": {"comment": "Allow matching with flipped axes?", "value": "N"}, "FIXFOCALPLANE_NMIN": {"comment": "Min number of dets for FIX_FOCALPLANE", "value": 1}, #---------------------------- Cross-identification ---------------------------- "CROSSID_RADIUS": {"comment": "Cross-id initial radius (arcsec)", "value": 2.0}, #---------------------------- Astrometric solution ---------------------------- "SOLVE_ASTROM": {"comment": "Compute astrometric solution (Y/N) ?", "value": "Y"}, "ASTRINSTRU_KEY": {"comment": "FITS keyword(s) defining the astrom", "value": "INSTRID, INSFLNAM"}, "STABILITY_TYPE": {"comment": "EXPOSURE, GROUP, INSTRUMENT or FILE", "value": "INSTRUMENT"}, "CENTROID_KEYS": {"comment": "Cat. parameters for centroiding", "value": "XWIN_IMAGE,YWIN_IMAGE"}, "CENTROIDERR_KEYS": {"comment": 'Cat. params for centroid err ellipse', "value": "ERRAWIN_IMAGE,ERRBWIN_IMAGE,ERRTHETAWIN_IMAGE"}, "DISTORT_KEYS": {"comment": 'Cat. parameters or FITS keywords', "value": "XWIN_IMAGE,YWIN_IMAGE"}, "DISTORT_GROUPS": {"comment": "Filename for the check-image", "value": [1,1]}, "DISTORT_DEGREES": {"comment": "Polynom degree for each group", "value": 3}, "ASTREF_WEIGHT": {"comment": "Relative weight of", "value": 1.0}, "ASTRCLIP_NSIGMA": {"comment": "Astrom. clipping threshold in sigmas", "value": 3.0}, "CORRECT_COLOURSHIFTS": {"comment": 'Correct for colour shifts (Y/N)?', "value": "N"}, #---------------------------- Photometric solution ---------------------------- "SOLVE_PHOTOM": {"comment": 'Compute photometric solution (Y/N) ?', "value": "N"}, "MAGZERO_OUT": {"comment": 'Magnitude zero-point(s) in output', "value": 0.0}, "MAGZERO_INTERR": {"comment": 'Internal accuracy', "value": 0.01}, "MAGZERO_REFERR": {"comment": 'Photom.field accuracy', "value": 0.03}, "PHOTINSTRU_KEY": {"comment": 'FITS keyword(s) defining the photom.', "value": "INSFLNAM"}, "MAGZERO_KEY": {"comment": 'FITS keyword for the mag zero-point', "value": "PHOT_C"}, "EXPOTIME_KEY": {"comment": 'FITS keyword for the exposure time (s)', "value": "EXPTIME"}, "AIRMASS_KEY": {"comment": 'FITS keyword for the airmass', "value": "AIRMASS"}, "EXTINCT_KEY": {"comment": 'FITS keyword for the extinction coeff', "value": "PHOT_K"}, "PHOTOMFLAG_KEY": {"comment": 'FITS keyword for the photometry flag', "value": "PHOTFLAG"}, "PHOTFLUX_KEY": {"comment": 'Catalog param. for the flux measurement', "value": "FLUX_AUTO"}, "PHOTFLUXERR_KEY": {"comment": 'Catalog parameter for the flux error', "value": "FLUXERR_AUTO"}, "PHOTCLIP_NSIGMA": {"comment": 'Photom.clipping threshold in sigmas', "value": 3.0}, #------------------------------- Check-plots ---------------------------------- "CHECKPLOT_CKEY": {"comment": 'FITS keyword for PLPLOT field colour', "value": "SCAMPCOL"}, "CHECKPLOT_DEV": {"comment": 'NULL, XWIN, TK, PS, PSC, XFIG, PNG, JPEG, AQT, PDF or SVG', "value": "PNG"}, "CHECKPLOT_RES": {"comment": 'Check-plot resolution (0 = default)', "value": 0}, "CHECKPLOT_ANTIALIAS": {"comment": 'Anti-aliasing using convert (Y/N) ?', "value": "Y"}, "CHECKPLOT_TYPE": {"comment": 'Check-plots to perform', "value": "FGROUPS,DISTORTION,ASTR_INTERROR2D,ASTR_INTERROR1D,ASTR_REFERROR2D,ASTR_REFERROR1D,ASTR_CHI2,PHOT_ERROR"}, "CHECKPLOT_NAME": {"comment": 'Check-plot filename(s)', "value": "fgroups,distort,astr_interror2d,astr_interror1d,astr_referror2d,astr_referror1d,astr_chi2,psphot_error"}, #------------------------------- Check-images --------------------------------- "CHECKIMAGE_TYPE": {"comment": 'NONE, AS_PAIR, AS_REFPAIR, or AS_XCORR', "value": "NONE"}, "CHECKIMAGE_NAME": {"comment": 'Check-image filename(s)', "value": "check.fits"}, #------------------------------ Miscellaneous --------------------------------- "SN_THRESHOLDS": {"comment": 'S/N thresholds (in sigmas) for all and high-SN sample', "value": [10.0, 100.0] }, "FWHM_THRESHOLDS": {"comment": 'FWHM thresholds (in pixels) for sources', "value": [0.0, 100.0]}, "FLAGS_MASK": {"comment": 'Rejection mask on SEx FLAGS', "value": "0x00f0"}, "WEIGHTFLAGS_MASK": {"comment": 'Rejection mask on SEx FLAGS_WEIGHT', "value": "0x00ff"}, "IMAFLAGS_MASK": {"comment": 'Rejection mask on SEx IMAFLAGS_ISO', "value": "0x0"}, "AHEADER_GLOBAL": {"comment": 'Filename of the global INPUT header', "value": "scamp.ahead"}, "AHEADER_SUFFIX": {"comment": 'Filename extension for additional INPUT headers', "value": ".ahead"}, "HEADER_SUFFIX": {"comment": 'Filename extension for OUTPUT headers', "value": ".head"}, "HEADER_TYPE": {"comment": 'NORMAL or FOCAL_PLANE', "value": "NORMAL"}, "VERBOSE_TYPE": {"comment": 'QUIET, NORMAL, LOG or FULL', "value": "NORMAL"}, "WRITE_XML": {"comment": 'Write XML file (Y/N)?', "value": "N"}, "XML_NAME": {"comment": 'Filename for XML output', "value": "scamp.xml"}, "XSL_URL": {"comment": 'Filename for XSL style-sheet', "value": "file:///usr/share/scamp/scamp.xsl"}, "NTHREADS": {"comment": 'umber of simultaneous threads for the SMP version of SCAMP (0=automatic)', "value": 0}, # -- Extra-keys (will not be saved in the main configuration file "CONFIG_FILE": {"comment": '[Extra key] name of the main configuration file', "value": "scamp.conf"} } # -- Special config. keys that should not go into the config. file. _SC_config_special_keys = ["CONFIG_FILE"] def __init__(self): """ SCAMP class constructor. If a specific config_file is provided, it is used """ self.config = ( dict([(k, copy.deepcopy(SCAMP._SC_config[k]["value"]))\ for k in SCAMP._SC_config.keys()])) # Extra config parameters that will be added/updated to the current values of the config file self.ext_config = {} self.program = None self.version = None
[docs] def setup(self, path=None): """ Look for SCAMP program ('scamp'). If a full path is provided, only this path is checked. Raise a SCAMP_Exception if it failed. Return program and version if it succeed. """ # -- Finding scamp program and its version # first look for 'scamp' candidates = ['scamp'] if path: candidates = [path] selected = None for candidate in candidates: try: p = subprocess.Popen(candidate, shell=True, bufsize=0, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) versionline = p.communicate()[0].decode() if versionline.find("SCAMP") != -1: selected = candidate break except (IOError, OSError): continue if not selected: raise SCAMP_Exception( """ Cannot find SCAMP program. Check your PATH, or provide the SCAMP program path in the constructor. """) _program = selected #print versionline _version_match ="[Vv]ersion ([0-9\.])+", versionline) if not _version_match: raise SCAMP_Exception( "Cannot determine SCAMP version.") _version =[8:] if not _version: raise SCAMP_Exception( "Cannot determine SCAMP version.") # print "Use " + self.program + " [" + self.version + "]" return _program, _version
[docs] def update_config(self): """ Update the configuration files according to the current in-memory SCAMP configuration. """ # -- Write main configuration file main_f = open(self.config['CONFIG_FILE'], 'w') for key in self.config.keys(): if key in SCAMP._SC_config_special_keys: continue if key == "DISTORT_GROUPS" or key == "SN_THRESHOLDS" or key == "FWHM_THRESHOLDS": # tuple instead of a single value value = " ".join(map(str, self.config[key])) else: value = str(self.config[key]) main_f.write( ("%-16s %-16s # %s" % (key, value, SCAMP._SC_config[key]['comment']))) main_f.close()
[docs] def run(self, catalog_list, updateconfig=True, clean=False, path=None): """ Run SCAMP for a given list of catalog (.ldac files), and it can be one single catalog list. Parameters ---------- updateconfig: bool Is True (default), the configuration files will be updated before running SCAMP. clean: bool If True (default: False), configuration files (if any) will be deleted after SCAMP terminates. path: str Path name to look for scamp binary file in the system. Raises ------ SCAMP_Exception Cannot run SCAMP SCAMP_AccuracyException SCAMP Warning/error: Significant inaccuracy likely to occur in projection. """ if updateconfig: self.update_config() # Try to find SCAMP program # This will raise an exception if it failed self.program, self.version = self.setup(path) # check how many files in the input my_catalogs = "" #if type(catalog_list) == types.ListType: if isinstance(catalog_list, list): for file in catalog_list: my_catalogs = my_catalogs + " " + file else: my_catalogs = catalog_list # a single file # Compound extra config command line args ext_args = "" for key in self.ext_config.keys(): ext_args = ext_args + " -" + key+ " " + str(self.ext_config[key]) commandline = ( self.program + " -c " + self.config['CONFIG_FILE'] + " " + ext_args + " " + my_catalogs) #print commandline rcode = runCmd(commandline) if rcode == 1: #print "ERROR!!!" raise SCAMP_Exception( "SCAMP command [%s] failed." % str(commandline)) elif rcode == 2: raise SCAMP_AccuracyException( "SCAMP Warning/error: Significant inaccuracy likely to occur in projection.\n%s" % commandline) if clean: self.clean()
[docs] def clean(self, config=True, catalog=False, check=False): """ Remove the generated SCAMP files (if any). If config is True, remove generated configuration files. If catalog is True, remove the output catalog. If check is True, remove output check image. """ try: if (config): os.unlink(self.config['CONFIG_FILE']) if (check): os.unlink(self.config['CHECKIMAGE_NAME']) except OSError: pass
# ====================================================================== # A utility function # ======================================================================
[docs]def runCmd( str_cmd, p_shell=True ): """ A wrapper to run system commands. Parameters ---------- str_cmd: str Command string to be executed in the shell p_shell: bool If True (default), command will be executed through the shell, and all cout/cerr messages will be available. If False, exception is the only way to find out problems during the call. Returns ------- 0 if some error, or 1 if all was OK Notes ----- TODO: - allow to launch commands in background - best checking of error when shell=True """"Running command : %s \n", str_cmd) try: p = subprocess.Popen(str_cmd, bufsize = 0, shell = p_shell, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, close_fds = True) except: print("Some error while running command...") raise #Warning #We use communicate() rather than .stdin.write, or #to avoid deadlocks due to any of the other OS pipe buffers filling up and #blocking the child process.(Python Ref.doc) (stdoutdata, stderrdata) = p.communicate() err = stdoutdata.decode() + " " + stderrdata.decode() # IMPORTANT: Next checking (only available when shell=True) not always detect all kind of errors !! if err.count('WARNING: Significant inaccuracy'): print("Canno't get accuracy astrometric calibration") return 2 elif (err.count('ERROR ') or err.count('error ') or err.count("Error ")\ or err.count('*Error*')\ or err.count('Segmentation fault') or err.count("command not found") \ or err.count('No source found') \ or err.count("No such file or directory") or err.count('WARNING: Not enough matched detections') # SCAMP or err.count('WARNING: Significant inaccuracy likely to occur in projection')): #SCAMP print("An error happened while running command --> %s \n" % err) return 1 # ERROR else: return 0 # NO ERROR
# ====================================================================== if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Wrong number of arguments\n") print("Usage: file.fits.ldac\n") sys.exit(0) scamp = SCAMP() # Using a specific config file (updateconfig=False) scamp.config['CONFIG_FILE'] = "scamp.conf" scamp.config['ASTREF_CATALOG'] = "2MASS" # cat_files = [line.replace("\n", "") for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1])] cat_files = [sys.argv[1]], updateconfig=False, clean=False) # Using and creating internal default config file (updateconfig=True) #scamp2 = SCAMP() #scamp2.config['ASTREF_CATALOG']="2MASS" #cat_files = [line.replace( "\n", "") for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1])], updateconfig=True, clean=False) sys.exit()