Within the framework of Spanish Research Program, the project "Composition and temperature in planetary atmospheres" (CONTEMPLA), (Ref. ESP2014-54362-P), led by Maya García Comas and Manuel López Puertas there is an offer for a 3-year Ph-D grant to carry out a Thesis on the field of "Exoplanets atmospheres in the IR".
The candidate will adapt/expand the research codes of radiative transfer and non-LTE currently developed in our Group for the planetary atmospheres of our solar system (Earth, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Titan) to exo-planet atmospheres.
We plan to simulate transmission spectra (primary transit) and emission spectra (secondary transit). The latter requires the development on non-LTE models for the main vibrational bands of the most abundant molecules, as CO2, CH4, H2O and CO. We also foresee the application of those models to the analysis of ground-based IR observations of exoplanets as well as the planetary atmospheres of our solar system observed as exoplanets.
Those interested in this work, please contact Manuel López Puertas (
puertas@iaa.es) or Maya García Comas (
maya@iaa.es) with Ref. "Ph. D. exoplanets".
Tel. +34-958-203507 (direct) or +34-958-121311.