Deep Halpha images of irregular dwarf galaxies show filamentary structures of kpcsize, some of them far away from the main body and therefore from ionising star clusters.
This immediately rises two questions: What were/are the drivers of the gas and what is its fate? FabryPerot (FP) interferometry of the nearby irregular dwarf galaxy NGC 2366 was performed at the 1.93m telescope equipped with the Marseille's FP at the Observatoire Haute Provence in France in order to analyse the kinematics of the ionised gas and to make predictions about its fate.
Additionally, radio synthesis data are used to look at the HI kinematics and to compare them with the ionised gas kinematics. Several outflows are found in Halpha, but only partly in HI with expansion velocities up to 35 km/s. By using dark matter halo models it becomes obvious that the gas will stay gravitationally bound to the galaxy.