Optical Metrology
Coplanarity measurements of optical surfaces.
Perpendicularity measurements of optical surfaces.
Transmittance/Absorbance/Reflectance of any type of optical filters (astronomical filters, windows, plane-parallel plates, density filters…) in the visible range and in the NIR.
Reflectance measurements of mirrors and coatings in the visible range and in the NIR.
Flatness measurement of flat mirrors, WFE measurement of plane-parallel plates, windows and any optical flat surface.
Spectral measurement of luminous flux in the visible range.
Spectral measurement of spectral lamps, continuum lamps and any emission source in the visible range and in the NIR.
Spectral response of optical systems, in transmission or in reflection in the visible range and in the NIR.
Spectral response of detectors
The following services are offered both in the Optics Laboratory and in situ:
Characterization of the fibres transmittance and behaviour.
Characterization of the homogeneity of luminous sources.
Characterization of the homogeneity of optical systems.
Reflectivity measurement of coatings and surfaces.
Scattering measurement of coatings and surfaces.
CCD detectors characterization.
Technical advice
Technological support services.
Please, use the following email optica [at] iaa.es to request fares of any of these services or any other service or inquiry.