Advanced algorithms of automatic learning and/or massive data processing, applied to astronomical data, promise to provide very pleasant surprises. Both types of algorithms are part of the field of Data Science research.
Taking advantage of the fact that Granada has a worldwide reference group in Data Science (Soft Computing and Intelligent Information Systems, directed by Francisco Herrera), a collaboration with the IAA was initiated in early 2017 through a master degree project (TFM).
The first objective of this talk is to share our experience after the completion of the first TFM, focused on the automated search of trans-neptunian. Synergies between E-Science (that has been actively developed at IAA) and Data Science will also be addressed.
The second objective is motivate to IAA’s community to use Data Science as prime tool of data analysis and exploitation, starting with a TFM. To do that, will be answered the IAA's people questions that they are considering proposing a TFM for the next academic year of the Master's Degree in Data Science that begins in October 2017.
We will be assisted by: Salvador García, University of Granada (teacher and tutor of the TFM), René Duffard, IAA (tutor of the TFM at the IAA) and Rafael Morales, IAA (UGR-IAA coordinator).
Salvador García
Received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Granada, Granada, Spain, in 2004 and 2008, respectively. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of Granada, Granada, Spain. As edited activities, he has co-edited two special issues in international journals and he is a member of the editorial board of the “Information Fusion” (Elsevier), “Swarm and Evolutionay Computation” (Elsevier) and “AI Communications” (IOS Press) journals, and he is co-Editor in Chief of the international journal “Progress in Artificial Intelligence” (Springer). He belongs to the list of the Highly Cited Researchers in the area of Computer Sciences (2014-2017): (Thomson Reuters). His h-index is 36 in Scholar Google. His research interests include Data Science, data preprocessing, Big Data, evolutionary learning, Deep Learning, metaheuristics and biometrics.
René Duffard
Completed his bachelor degree in astronomy at the University of Córdoba in Argentina and did his Ph.D. degree in astronomy at the National Observatory of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He also completed a postdoctoral study in Germany at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research. He works currently at IAA-CSIC with his research in minor bodies, asterioids and trans-neptunians.
This last year, 2017, is completely dedicated to the European project H2020 Small Bodies: Near and Far (SBNAF) which studies the physical properties of about one hundred asteroids and trans-neptunians from an integral point of view, combining all the information in different wavelengths, that exists for each of these objects.
Rafael Morales
Received his bachelor and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Granada, Granada, Spain. He has worked as software engineer at IAA, leading the IAA’s software teams of several space and terrestrial missions. He is involved in the development of an automated trans-neptunian detection tool using Data Science. His research interests includes the space software development, compiler design, databases (relational, no-sql, logic, fuzzy) and Data Science.