Bases de Datos Radioastronómicas, Observatorio Virtual y DSS-63

All the effort that the astrophysical community has put into the development of the Virtual Observatory (VO) has surpassed the non-return point: the VO is a reality today, and an initiative that will self-sustain, and to which all archival projects must adhere. Here we show how we can use all VO proposed data models to build a VO-compliant single-dish, multiple-feed, radio astronomical archive data model (RADAMS). For this task we have selected the DSS-63 70-m antenna at NASA's DSN station in Robledo de Chavela. We have started the design of its scientific archive, and we propose an exhaustive list of Universal Content Descriptors (UCDs) and FITS keywords for all relevant metadata. We will further refine this data model with the experience we gain from that implementation. We will also show how if astrophysical archives are considered as a special form of multimedia archives, we will be able to use archive-oriented multimedia standards such as MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 as a basis for Provenance, Policy and Packaging metadata.


09/11/2006 - 13:30
Juan de Dios Santander Vela
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía - CSIC
