23/06/2025 - 27/06/2025
International Summer School on Advanced Black Hole Physics 'Tales of Black Holes' Granada |
19/05/2025 - 23/05/2025
II Advanced School on Galaxy Evolution Granada |
05/05/2025 - 08/05/2025
SO-IAA School on Bayesian Statistics Granada |
03/02/2025 - 20/02/2025
Element Abundances and the Chemical Evolution of the Cosmos Granada |
21/01/2025 - 30/10/2025
Academic Spanish Course for Foreigners (2025) Granada |
12/12/2024 - 12/12/2024
PySnack 10: PROSE Granada |
02/12/2024 - 02/12/2024
PySnack 9: GASTLI Granada |
26/11/2024 - 28/11/2024
3rd edition of the HONEST Workshops: The high energy end of pulsar spectra |
25/11/2024 - 25/11/2024
Introduction to GitHub Granada |
04/11/2024 - 08/11/2024
Writing and Communicating your Science - an IAA-CSIC Severo Ochoa Workshop Granada |
31/10/2024 - 31/10/2024
PySnacks 8: PyBDSF Granada |
16/10/2024 - 20/10/2024
Seventh Workshop on Robotic Autonomous Observatories Torremolinos |
30/09/2024 - 04/10/2024
ERIS 2024 Tenth European Radio Interferometry School Granada |
15/07/2024 - 19/07/2024
XVI Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Astronomía Granada |
17/06/2024 - 18/06/2024
PySnacks 7: sedcreator: the python package to build and fit spectral energy distributions Granada |
23/04/2024 - 18/06/2024
SO Training on Scientific Presentation in Astronomy Granada |
12/03/2024 - 15/03/2024
ESA's Vigil PMI instrument kick-off consortium meeting Granada |
04/03/2024 - 05/03/2024
PySnacks 6: pyFIT3D/pyPipe3D: Resolved Properties of Stellar Populations and Ionized Gas with Galaxy IFS Data Granada |
19/02/2024 - 23/02/2024
English for Academic Purposes Granada |
24/01/2024 - 24/01/2024
Cosmic Dust Workshop Granada |
27/11/2023 - 01/12/2023
Severo Ochoa Advanced School on Star Formation Granada |
16/11/2023 - 17/11/2023
Severo Ochoa Basics of Neural Networks 2023 Granada |
14/11/2023 - 15/11/2023
Meeting on Light Pollution: Challenges and Responses for Monitoring it Granada |
24/10/2023 - 25/10/2023
ANDES technical meeting Granada |
23/10/2023 - 24/10/2023
100 x Science: Seven questions that will change the world Granada |
14/10/2023 - 14/10/2023
PySnacks 5: ASTROALIGN On line |
09/10/2023 - 11/10/2023
SO/PHI team meeting Granada |
02/10/2023 - 02/10/2023
Near-Infrared Interferometry Granada |
11/07/2023 - 13/07/2023
VIII Reunión Española de Física Solar y Heliosférica "25 años de física solar en Granada" Granada |
21/06/2023 - 21/06/2023
PySnacks 4: SHERLOCK: A python pipeline to explore space-based observations in the search for planets Granada |
24/05/2023 - 26/05/2023
15/05/2023 - 19/05/2023
20th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference Almuñecar |
08/05/2023 - 10/05/2023
IAA-CSIC Severo Ochoa SKA Open Science School Granada |
24/04/2023 - 28/04/2023
Galactic Center Workshop 2023 Granada |
24/04/2023 - 28/04/2023
CTAC/CTAO General Meeting Granada |
30/01/2023 - 01/02/2023
VI Meeting of AGN Research in Spain in the Era of the New Observatories Granada |
02/11/2022 - 04/11/2022
VIII Meeting on Fundamental Cosmology Granada |
18/10/2022 - 21/10/2022
IAA Severo Ochoa Meeting: Addressing key astrophysical questions from Granada Granada |
09/09/2022 - 11/09/2022
41st European Symposium on Occultation Projects (ESOP) Granada |
15/06/2022 - 15/06/2022
Matplotlib for beginners II - A brief Severo Ochoa training school Online |
23/05/2022 - 27/05/2022
IAA-CSIC Severo Ochoa Advanced School on Galaxy Evolution Granada |
20/05/2022 - 22/05/2022
COURSE ON DISSEMINATION TECHNIQUES. RECREATIONAL AND TRAINING DAYS "Practical classes and leisure activities". Granada |
17/05/2022 - 18/05/2022
Gender Analysis in Research Granada |
04/04/2022 - 08/04/2022
SO Instrumentation School VIII. Signal Integrity and Electromagnetic Compatibility in Electronic Devices Granada |
21/03/2022 - 01/04/2022
PySnacks for beginners Online |
14/03/2022 - 18/03/2022
English for Academic Purposes - an online workshop series for young researchers Granada |
07/02/2022 - 18/02/2022
SO Instrumentation School IX. Opto-mechanical systems and mechanical design of IR instrumentation Granada |
17/01/2022 - 22/01/2022
SO Instrumentation School VII. Metrology with PC-DMIS on a portable Romer Absolute Arms Granada |
29/11/2021 - 03/12/2021
2nd IAA-CSIC Severo Ochoa School on Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning Granada |
15/11/2021 - 19/11/2021
IAA Severo Ochoa Advanced School on Star Formation Granada |
15/11/2021 - 19/11/2021
SO Instrumentation School: V. Project management in the 3DExperience environment, including document and requirements management On line |
21/10/2021 - 22/02/2022
Spanish for beginners at the IAA-CSIC Granada |
20/10/2021 - 22/10/2021
SO Instrumentation School: IV. Vacuum Technology Granada |
04/10/2021 - 08/10/2021
Asymmetrical Post-main-sequence Nebulae 8 e2021: The Shaping of Stellar Outflows Online |
04/10/2021 - 08/10/2021
Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae 8 e-2021 Granada |
20/09/2021 - 23/09/2021
SO Instrumentation School: III. Beckhoff Motion Control Granada |
15/09/2021 - 16/09/2021
IV Course on Scientific Dissemination Techniques Granada |
21/06/2021 - 25/06/2021
English for Academic Purposes - an online workshop series for young researchers On line |
14/06/2021 - 14/06/2021
An Introduction to IFU Spectroscopy On line |
10/06/2021 - 01/07/2021
Ansys Workbench for Scientific Instrumentation Online |
09/06/2021 - 09/06/2021
Horizon Europe: Workshop on RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE On line |
09/06/2021 - 10/06/2021
Scientific writing and presentation in astronomy On Line |
28/04/2021 - 30/04/2021
SO instrumentation school: High level sinthesys for Xilinx FPGAs using Vivado HLS On line |
19/04/2021 - 23/04/2021
SOMACHINE 2 Machine Learning, Big Data, and Deep Learning in Astronomy On line |
07/04/2021 - 07/04/2021
Matplotlib for Beginners - A Brief Severo Ochoa Workshop Online |
20/01/2021 - 20/01/2021
El cielo oscuro como recurso científico, cultural, medioambiental y turístico Sevilla, Virtual Format |
18/01/2021 - 29/01/2021
Planets, exoplanets and their systems in a broad and multidisciplinary context Granada |
23/11/2020 - 27/11/2020
SOMACHINE Machine Learning, Big Data, and Deep Learning in Astronomy Granada |
16/09/2020 - 17/09/2020
Scientific writing and presentation in Astronomy |
01/07/2020 - 17/07/2020
Introductory course to astronomy and astrophysics Granada |
25/06/2020 - 24/07/2020
Course on gender analysis in research |
05/05/2020 - 05/05/2020
Panoptic spectroscopy of our universe with OSIRIS+MAAT at GTC Granada -- Virtual Format |
12/03/2020 - 13/03/2020
Public surveys and new instrumentation for Calar Alto Observatory Granada - Virtual Format |
25/02/2020 - 29/02/2020
Open Science Droplets Granada |
02/12/2019 - 04/12/2019
The Universe in 56 colors. Science with the first J-PAS data Teruel |
02/12/2019 - 03/12/2019
Comet Interceptor Full Team Meeting Granada |
20/11/2019 - 21/11/2019
III Course on Scientific Dissemination Techniques Granada |
18/11/2019 - 22/11/2019
Tenth Gammapy Coding Sprint Granada |
14/11/2019 - 15/11/2019
9th ACS Science Team Meeting Granada |
11/11/2019 - 15/11/2019
SUNRISE III Technical Meeting Granada |
04/11/2019 - 08/11/2019
1st IAA-CSIC Severo Ochoa School on Statistics, Data Mining and Machine Learning Granada |
07/10/2019 - 10/10/2019
IAU Symposium 356: "Nuclear Activity in Galaxies Across Cosmic Times" Addis Abeba |
30/09/2019 - 04/10/2019
6th Workshop on Robotic Autonomous Observatories Torremolinos |
18/09/2019 - 19/09/2019
SOLARIS-HEPPA Working Group meeting Granada |
13/06/2019 - 13/06/2019
Key Aspects in the Preparation of a Competitive Proposal MSCA-IF Granada |
10/06/2019 - 11/06/2019
¡España en SKA! Granada |
20/05/2019 - 23/05/2019
17th J-PAS Collaboration Meeting Madrid |
07/05/2019 - 08/05/2019
PLATO MEU PDR Co-location Meeting Granada |
23/04/2019 - 23/04/2019
Seminar on Preparation of Proposals to the European Research Council (ERC) Granada |
26/02/2019 - 27/02/2019
PLATO Limb-Darkening Meeting #1 Granada |
20/02/2019 - 22/02/2019
Ciencia presente y futura con CARMENES & 1er encuentro EXONET Granada |
08/10/2018 - 11/10/2018
14th EVN Symposium & Users Meeting Granada |
10/09/2018 - 13/09/2018
28/05/2018 - 30/05/2018
VI Meeting on Fundamental Cosmology Granada |
20/11/2017 - 24/11/2017
Little Workshop on Large Scale Structure Granada |
23/10/2017 - 25/10/2017
Spanish X-ray Astronomy 2017: the path towards Athena Granada |
16/10/2017 - 20/10/2017
Astrorob 2017 - Fifth Workshop on Robotic Autonomous Observatories Mazagón (Huelva) |
25/09/2017 - 28/09/2017
Dust and Ice Particles Spectroscopy and Scattering Granada |
03/04/2017 - 07/04/2017
7th Solar Orbiter Workshop Granada |
17/01/2017 - 20/01/2017
Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observation Granada |
13/10/2016 - 14/10/2016
New Instrumentation and Legacy Projects for Calar Alto Granada |
30/05/2016 - 03/06/2016
Blazars through Sharp Multi-Wavelength Eyes Málaga |
11/08/2015 - 13/08/2015
XXIX IAU General Assembly, Focus Meeting 10: Stellar explosions in an ever-changing environment Hawaii |
24/05/2015 - 28/05/2015
Polarization in the Sun, the Solar System, and Beyond Granada |
21/05/2015 - 22/05/2015
Amazing science with CARMENES Granada |
18/05/2015 - 23/05/2015
3rd SOLARNET School on "Solar Magnetic Fields: Modeling and Measuring Techniques" Granada |
11/05/2015 - 13/05/2015
Workshop estallidos 2015: census and fundamental properties of star-forming galaxies Granada |
23/10/2014 - 23/10/2014
Spanish SKA Day Granada |
30/06/2014 - 01/07/2014
Workshop for the WSO Working Group and Spanish UV Astronomy Granada |
19/11/2013 - 22/11/2013
The Galactic Center Black Hole Laboratory Granada |
12/11/2013 - 14/11/2013
ALHAMBRA in the Alhambra Granada |
07/10/2013 - 11/10/2013
Third Workshop on Robotic Autonomous Observatories Málaga |
23/09/2013 - 27/09/2013
Galaxies meet GRBs at Cabo de Gata Granada |
14/07/2013 - 19/07/2013
ICPIG - 2013: International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases Granada |
10/06/2013 - 14/06/2013
Jets 2013: The Innermost Regions of Relativistic Jets and Their Magnetic Fields Granada |
22/04/2013 - 26/04/2013
HOPS Spring Meeting Granada |
17/06/2012 - 22/06/2012
TEA-IS Summer School Málaga |
05/09/2011 - 09/09/2011
20th Stellar Pulsation Conference Series Granada |
07/06/2011 - 09/06/2011
III Reunión Española de Física Solar y Heliosférica Granada |
05/06/2011 - 10/06/2011
II Workshop on Robotic Autonomous Observatories Málaga |
23/05/2011 - 27/05/2011
Stellar Clusters & Associations: A RIA Workshop on Gaia Granada |
09/05/2011 - 11/05/2011
3rd High Energy Particles Precipitation in the Atmosphere Workshop Granada |
25/11/2010 - 26/11/2010
2ª Reunión Española de Nucleos de Galaxias Activas Granada |
06/09/2010 - 10/09/2010
Spanish Relativity Meeting 2010 Granada |
08/03/2010 - 10/03/2010
8th Workshop 'Estallidos de formación estelar' Granada |
19/01/2010 - 20/01/2010
III Reunión sobre e-Ciencia Andaluza Granada |
24/11/2009 - 26/11/2009
OSIRIS (ROSETTA, ESA) Full Team Meeting 2009 Granada |
27/10/2009 - 28/10/2009
Primer Curso Práctico de la Red Temática SVO Granada |
18/05/2009 - 21/05/2009
Workshop on Robotic Autonomous Observatories Málaga |
12/05/2009 - 15/05/2009
Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature vs. Nurture Granada |
09/03/2009 - 10/03/2009
19th MIPAS Quality Working Group (QWG) Meeting Granada |
23/02/2009 - 26/02/2009
High-energy phenomena in Galaxy Clusters and Dark Matter Searches Granada |
11/02/2009 - 13/02/2009
Impact of ALMA on the Spanish Extragalactic Astronomy Granada |
09/12/2008 - 10/12/2008
TNOs Meeting in preparation for the Herschel mission Granada |
05/11/2008 - 07/11/2008
Utilización del Interferómetro VLT en el presente y en el futuro inmediato Granada |
16/10/2008 - 17/10/2008
II Reunión sobre e-Ciencia Andaluza Granada |
15/09/2008 - 16/09/2008
Cómo diseñar, observar y reducir una campaña con OSIRIS Granada |
08/09/2008 - 12/09/2008
Cosmology Across Cultures Granada |
15/07/2008 - 19/07/2008
19th ESCAMPIG Granada |
11/06/2008 - 13/06/2008
Calar Alto Instrumentation Workshop Granada |
06/05/2008 - 09/05/2008
I Reunión Ibérica de Sismología Estelar y Planetaria Granada |
30/03/2008 - 02/04/2008
BeLA Science Team Meeting Granada |
10/03/2008 - 10/03/2008
Jornada de Ondas Gravitatorias Granada |
15/01/2008 - 16/01/2008
Reunión nacional para el Año Internacional de la Astronomía 2009 Granada |
15/11/2007 - 16/11/2007
03/10/2007 - 05/10/2007
Spectroscopy in Cosmology and Galaxy Evolution 2005-2015 Granada |
11/09/2007 - 14/09/2007
Young massive star clusters: Initial conditions and environments Granada |
19/06/2007 - 20/06/2007
I reunión sobre e-Ciencia Andaluza (Proyecto e-CA) Granada |
06/03/2007 - 06/03/2007
Remembering Lucas Lara: A workshop on the impact of the Lucas Lara Research activity in Astrophysics Granada |
28/02/2007 - 02/03/2007
V Workshop 'Estallidos de Formación Estelar en Galaxias' Granada |
25/04/2006 - 26/04/2006
Calar Alto Colloquium 2006 Granada |
27/02/2006 - 03/03/2006
Second Workshop on Modeling and Observations of the Martian Atmosphere Granada |
16/05/2005 - 20/05/2005
8th Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles Granada |
18/04/2005 - 20/04/2005
Granada Workshop on High Redshift Radiogalaxies Granada |
13/04/2005 - 15/04/2005
Stellar end products Granada |
14/12/2004 - 17/12/2004
7th Corot-week Granada |
13/09/2004 - 17/09/2004
The many scales in the Universe - JENAM 2004 Granada |
26/05/2004 - 28/05/2004
Third Granada Workshop on Stellar Structure Granada |
24/05/2004 - 25/05/2004
I Reunión Nacional de Astrofísica Robótica Huelva |
27/04/2004 - 27/04/2004
Calar Alto Colloquium 2004 Granada |
26/01/2004 - 28/01/2004
Second Workshop of the Coordinated Project Granada |
23/06/2003 - 27/06/2003
How does the Galaxy work? Granada |
13/01/2003 - 15/01/2003
Mars atmosphere modelling and observations Granada |
24/09/2002 - 28/09/2002
Star Formation through Time Granada |
05/02/2002 - 08/02/2002
Ciencia con el GTC Granada |
18/06/2001 - 20/06/2001
The Evolving Sun and its Influence on Planetary Environments Granada |
10/01/2001 - 12/01/2001
17/09/2000 - 20/09/2000
XXXII Young European Radio Astronomer's Conference Granada |
11/09/2000 - 13/09/2000
23/05/2000 - 27/05/2000
Euroconference: The Evolution of Galaxies. I - Observational Clues Granada |
09/12/1999 - 10/12/1999
Martian Environmet Models - CCN2 Granada |
23/11/1999 - 24/11/1999
19th Plenary Meeting European Space Science Committee Granada |
15/09/1999 - 17/09/1999
NGC 604: Un laboratorio para la formación de estrellas masivas Granada |
24/05/1999 - 26/05/1999
Theory and Observations of Relativistic Jets Granada |
25/03/1999 - 27/03/1999
Primer Congreso sobre Comunicación Social de la Ciencia Granada |
30/09/1998 - 02/10/1998
Theory and Tests of Convection in Stellar Structure Granada |